Flair Weather Conky . Made for Conky Managerspeedracker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/speedracker/art/Flair-Weather-Conky-Made-for-Conky-Manager-510130311speedracker

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Flair Weather Conky . Made for Conky Manager



Nice Clean Conky for your linux Desktop.
Dark And light version

Weather Icons by +Kelly Kretchek 
Thanks to his free weather icons.

Also Thanks to +zagortenay333  for his work with
Jelly Conky .

Conky Manager Version Below.

. First install "conky" if you don't have it, also ensure that you have "curl" installed.
sudo apt-get install conky-all curl python-feedparser -y

To change the weather first load up Yahoo! Weather in your browser, search for your city and copy the 6 digit code in the URL. Back in the text editor, scoot down to the line containing the text weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=12707719&u=c’ and replace the stock weather code with the one for your location. To change the temperature unit to Fahrenheit replace the ‘c’ at the end of this link with ‘f’.
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See the following Yahoo! web site:


The weather.yahooapis.com API has been decommissioned, so it appears the script would have to be significantly modified to work with the newer API.