Behind the HorizonSpeculumHistoriae on DeviantArt

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Behind the Horizon



May 2010 - Rocca Canavese


Piedmont "miles" of the first half of the eleventh century.
He wears a variety of weapons depicted in miniatures and sculptures of Germanic area between the IX and X century. The German influence seems plausible, as that Piedmont was part of the Holy Roman Empire, and that many times the emperors went down to Italy with their troops to follow. He wears a chain mail hauberk with short sleeves, a spangenhelm, and a padded coat, whose existence is only supposed in the XI century. Carries a round shield with central grip, and a sword with the typical "Brazilian Walnut" pommel. An integral part of the arsenal, although not depicted here, was also the spear.


Miles piemontese della prima metà dell'XI secolo.
Indossa un armamento raffigurato in molteplici miniature e sculture di area germanica tra il IX e il X secolo. L'influenza tedesca appare verosimile, dato che il Piemonte era parte del Sacro Romano Impero, e che più volte gli Imperatori scesero in Italia con al seguito le loro truppe. Indossa un usbergo in maglia di ferro a maniche corte, un elmo a spicchi (spangenhelm) e una giubba imbottita, la cui esistenza nell'XI secolo è solo supposta. Porta uno scudo rotondo ad impugnatura centrale e una spada con il tipico pomo a "noce brasiliana". Parte integrante dell'armamentario, anche se qui non è raffigurata, era anche la lancia.

The band Gotland ([link]) used it for the cover of their "Behind the Horizon" EP.

Featured here [link] by :iconzenoxen:
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1600x1200px 794.84 KB
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Lars, Olaf fell off the cliff!

No I didn't, I was pushed!!!!