You did it. You, known simply as "Mad Scientist," have not only been able to communicate with a scientist in Equestria (which is located in a different universe, mind you) via a secret wormhole in the cosmos through radio signals, but you have developed the technology to create your own, safe-to-use wormhole to travel to Equestria! You must contact the scientist soon (she has identified herself as Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship). Time to get ready!
The teleporter is a bit basic, and can only go to three roughly established locations, none of which are convenient.
1.) The Everfree Forest. Prepare for danger and thrills! You'd have to get out of there to find Twilight (who doesn't know you are visiting. You'd thought you'd surprise her). For those who like excitement.
2.) The Canterlot mountainside. Climbing down will take some grit, but you'd be able to contact Celestia and find Twilight that way. For those who like testing their limits and high society.
3.) The Badlands. Friendly locals like some Buffalo and Appleloosans might help. But it'll take a while to find the Princess of Friendship, probably! For those who like sightseeing and meeting friendly people.
[2 is chosen]
You've gotten ready. You enter the teleporter...
...Your eyes open to find yourself in a cold, rocky setting. Snow gently falls. You turn to see the land of Equestria, mapped out in all its beauty. You did it: you're the first human to make it. Every brony will envy you!
Thank goodness you have warm clothing and some hiking gear! After some brief gazing and comparing what you see to a map you have, you start preparing for the climb, brimming with excitement.
The snow is dissipating as you see Canterlot below you nearby. You start to see what may be a winged creature...
You find somewhere to rest and see a guard pony in the distance. This is first contact! What do you do?
1.) Keep climbing.
2.) Call for his attention. What if he could help you?
3.) Find shelter. What if he is hostlie?
[2 is chosen]
You: "HEY! Help!"
The guard hears your cry and comes to you. When he sees you, he ______...
Quick, pick a number ranging from 1 to 3!
[By chance, the guard is frightened]
The guard flies away to Canterlot, terrified. You take a little bit of offense. After all, people have praise your looks.
You continue climbing, nervous about what other guards may think of you.
It's been some time. Your Earth watch indicates that it has been a few hours of solid climbing. The sun has passed its high point, on its way to the horizon. You are tired, but Canterlot is just nearby!
You find your way onto a rather tall building right by the slopes. No one has noticed you yet. You look over the edge at many little ponies walking around and commoting like ants. You get chills at the sight. There are stairs into the building you are on, and you have little choice but to sneak in.
You enter into a small room. You peak out the door to find a long, glamorous hallway.
Uh-oh! Two guards are coming! What do you do?
1. HIDE!
2. Keep calm and call for their help
[1 is chosen]
You find a cardboard box and hide in it. Something about doing that feels nostalgic.
The guards do not notice you, passing by the room.
You sneak down the hallway.
There are huge double doors. You hear faint, familiar voices coming from the doors. You tremble with excitement. What now?
QUICKLY! You think there is a guard coming!
1. Keep moving. Nothing interesting.
2. Let's go in and find out!
3. Let's secretly find out what's in the room.
[2 is chosen]
You push open the door. It is the end of a hallway. Beautiful stained-glass windows depicting familiar art let colorful light shine in. At the end of the hallways is something that makes your jaw drop...
...the four Princesses, meeting!
They stop talking and gasp when they notice you.
Twilight: "Are...what are...are you..."
Two guards come from behind with spears drawn. One says, "Your highness, it's an intruder!"
You: "Let me explain!"
Twilight: "I think I know who you are. Who are you?"
How do you respond?
1. "Ohmigosh, Twilight! I'm such a huuuuuuge fan!"
2. "I am Mad Scientist. I have come to establish first contact."
3. *try to escape*
You're nervous, and the guards don't look too happy. Hurry up!
[1 is chosen]
You: "Ohmigosh, Twilight! I'm such a huuuuuuge fan!" You start fanboy/girli-ng really, really hard.
Guard: "That's it! Get outta here!" More guards come along to help.
Twilight: "M-Mad Scientist?"
You snap out of your fangirl/boy state at the mention of your name.
You: "...Yes?"
Celestia: "Let him go." The guards stand down.
You: *point to the purple princess* "Y-you're Twilight...right?"
Twilight: "..yes. Welcome to Equestria."
What do you do?
1. Fanboy/girl really hard.…
2. Slowly approach the princesses, prepared to make history
3. "Welp. Nice to meet you!" *leave*
[2 is chosen]
You: *gulp*
You slowly walk down the colorful hallway, you're hiking gear clinging and shuffling. Your footsteps echo.
Twilight Sparkle walks towards you, her hooves making an echoing clip-clop, clip-clop.
You both reach the middle. You slowly reach out your hand as she slowly reaches out her hoof...
You slowly touch her hoof.
Mission accomplished.
Twilight: "How did you get here?"
1. "Well...maybe I finished up my teleportation device and wanted to pay a visit."
2. "The power of friendship!"
3. "I'm gonna be honest: I don't know."
[1 is chosen]
You: "Well...maybe I finished up my teleportation device and wanted to pay a visit."
Twilight: "...really? How?"
You: *science talk*
Twilight: "Wow!"
The other princesses come down to greet you.
Celestia: "It is a pleasure to meet you, Scientist. Welcome to our land."
Time has passed; it is nearly evening. You are sitting with the princesses, having tea and biscuits.
You: "...pardon me, but it's getting dark out. If I am to return to my home, I should head back up now."
Cadance: "Oh, you wish to return? Will you ever be able to come back?"
You: "Yes, I can come back to here as I please."
Twilight: "I was just having Spike prepare a guest suite for you. You could spend the night here! You are the first human in Equestria, after all." She winks.
Luna: "Please consider our offer. But if you wish to go back to your laboratory, at least let us assist you!"
Choose now:
1. Accept their offer to remain in the Canterlot Castle for a night. Welcome to Equestria; we hope you enjoy your stay!
2. Accept their offer for help in returning. Less climbing, hopefully!
3. Firmly ask that you go back solo. This is a mission you must do by yourself. It'll take a bit though.
[1 is chosen]
You: "Sure. I would be glad to stay here. Thank you so much for your hospitality!"
Spike: "Hey, guys, I finished preparing the--- AAAHHHH! MONSTER!"
You head into your suite, which is a pretty sweet suite :3 and you plop onto the really cushiony bed, with fresh sheets. There are pony PJs provided for you that would obviously not fit you.
Twilight: "Goodnight, Mad Scientist!"
You: "Goodnight!"
You are alone, with nothing but a bedlamp. Good thing you brought your cell phone! No communications or internet, but you have plenty of games. What do you do?
1. Try to sleep in the awfully comfy bed
2. Start playing games on your fully-charged phone
3. Sneak out and climb the mountain back to your teleportation site
[1 is chosen]
You change into your undergarments, briefly take care of your personal hygiene in the bathroom, and plop on the bed.
You: "Ahhh... so comfy."
You turn off the lamp and smile as you try to drift to sleep.
And try.
And try.
You are fangirl/boy-ing too hard again. "I can't believe it. We...we did it. I finally made it."
You eventually fall asleep with a grin on your face.
You did it.
By: Everyone!