just 30 minutes to take a look. This is actually important, not just for the people of Uganda, but for the entire world.
01. I like when you draw: ___.
02. I wish you drew more: ___.
03. I wish you drew more fanart of: ___.
04. I wish you drew more original art of: ___.
05. I wish you drew a comic or4koma of/about: ___.
06. I wish you made a tutorial about: ___.
07. My favorite part of your work is: ___.CONS
08. I dislike when you draw: ___.
09. I wish you drew less: ___.
10. My least favorite part of your work is: ___.OTHER
11. If I had to describe your work I'd say: ___.
12. If I had a question to ask about your work it'd be: ___?
13. The main strength & weakness of your work is: ___ & ___
14. Anything else?I've seen this going around and I was curiou...