SpAzZnaticShuRIken's avatar


Epic Nynjuh
759 Watchers533 Deviations
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Artist // Professional // Photography
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (47)
My Bio

Famously known for his Free Running, Tricking, and Parkour tutorials and videos online, and slowly rising with videos of his philosophies and ideas. He has developed quite a gathering of viewers through his YouTube account and has been labeled as someone wise beyond his age.

Though he can be a daffy ass duck sometimes, he is aware of his place in this world and is a REALIST, not an EGOTIST.

He is a Gemini in Astrology, and a SNAKE in the Chinese Zodiac, reading up on both will tell you a lot about who he is, how he is, and why he is.

Anything else to be said about him can be filled in by the words of those who have taken the time to get to know him.

In the words of Epic....


Favourite Books
Warrior of the Light; Paulo Coelho, Barefoot Doctor's Guide to the Tao; Stephen Russell
Favourite Writers
Paulo Coelho & Stephen Russell
Other Interests
Movement, Taoism, Spirituality, Philosophy, Tech & Electronics, Music
Oh what a journey so far.... it's been a VERY long time since my last journal entry!! But it seems a lot of you are keeping in touch through my submissions. I appreciate that. WOULD LIKE MORE COMMENTS THOUGH! =PSo where to start.... uhmm, my Parkour & Freerunning isn't too bad, just recently came out with a variety of new videos, (Links are at the bottom of entry) Although many look up to me, my knees are giving me problems. NOT FUN! At age 21, my knees are hurting... so I'm training SMARTED and performing SAFER and doing some conditioning for them. So hopefully I can continue to live up to my name. Although it seems most who watch my ...
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Whoooo it's been too long my friends!! Many of you started watching me cuz of my deviations, a few because you've seen my youtube videos! -lolz- Good times...So... making it big, so far it's payed off... I've learned sooo much in such little time and I've still so much to learn. But before I tell my story, let me remind you that I AM A REALIST ... not an EGOTIST so believe me when I say that I may have somewhat of a big head due to the things I've done and the ways i've affected people but I KNOW MY PLACE and I do not ABUSE IT for NEGATIVE things. I figure if any of you are to enjoy this story, you'll have to try and see me for WHO I...
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I've been busting my ass lately to get as far as I've gone but busting my ass more ignoring the responsibilities and limits and reality of this corrupted world.And I've come to realize... that not everyone is going to have my back as much as they used to back int he day and I'm going to have to start REALLY fending for myself here soon.But the more this video gets put out, DOWNLOADED and thrown up on other websites, the better.If any of you know people big in commercials, companies, anything that could help me start my career as a stunt man, martial artist, traceur, freerunner, w/e... please show them this video, this is making big part on...
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Profile Comments 1.4K

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:iconbummiesplz:Happy Birthday! Have your cake and eat it too
:iconbummiesplz:Happy Birthday! Have your cake and eat it too
A few days from today, the history books show an entry.  An entry of mystery, and portent, as the great powers came down upon the Earth, and, in accordance with the wishes of the mighty King Kong, granted the world a boon.  That boon was you.  And lo, let it be said to all that you are to be wished a Happy Birthday upon that day, with the most excellent and amazing of cakes to partake in! :D (Big Grin) Have your cake and eat it too
:iconbummiesplz:Happy Birthday! Have your cake and eat it too
History records that, just days from now, a tremendous upheaval took place as the ground cracked and broke apart, tornadoes spun counter to their nature, and even Godzilla bowed as you appeared upon the Earth to grace us with your art. And so it is wished upon you to have a Happy Birthday on that day....and a most excellent cake. :D (Big Grin)  Have your cake and eat it too
:iconbummiesplz:Happy Birthday! Have your cake and eat it too
Happyyy Birthday!! :)