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77 Watchers905 Deviations



M. Q. 8 Pt. 2 - 24: Assault on the federal cruiser

Meanwhile, the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Sons of liberty were battling their way to the rendezvous point, dealing with an increasing number of pactist forces, as well as the mechanical abominations that they threw at them. Along the way, they encounter more of the Father’s hybrid cannon fodder, which most of it was freed and placed between the evacuees and the strike force, the latter allowing it to have a makeshift battalion. Funnily enough, they could still use their elemental powers, but they had to be very sparingly with them as they had no idea if Mewthree rigged the fortress to become a massive Null Field device.   However, they had to slow down at times, as Eva, Amy and Kai were requesting constant resupply from Palgius when they were running dangerously low on syringes, virus shatters, ammo and medicine, to keep the momentum going. It also didn’t help out that they began to encounter, aside of the three phases of Dark Troopers plus armored support and their version of Iron


905 deviations

M. Q 8 Part 2 - 14: The calm before

Within the realm where Palgius was residing, Aro, Eleanor, Henry and Noreen were doing a special visit thanks to Hoogius’ help, being their direct link with the palkia. And the reason for it was regarding the space gears under the wolves and sons possession. Discounting one of them that was used as its KF Drive equivalent to make “jumps into light speed”, the rest were undergoing some modifications and upgrades that would be necessary in case the battle had a case of defenestration, forcing a complete change of the strategy.    For that end, a concept that was brought by Tanya, to which none had prior experience before, was being tested. Its name was stratagem and the core idea was to call in supplies, weapons, vehicles, fire support, airstrikes… basically everything a combat team needed when operating deep within enemy lines and there was little to no chance for a resupply because even teleporting was out of the picture without a strong mental connection.   However, given the


38 deviations

M 0 Epilogue: Deal of captains

A little more than an hour later, Siegfried and his “trailblazer” portion of the squad, along with Raquel, Rodney, Shula and Forrest were waiting outside what was supposed to be the governance’s building from the zorua’s perspective. The reason for that was simple: Timothy headed first to talk to Sharp in private and mention that there was a delicate issue that needed his attention to be dealt with without causing a fuss like other situations before.   As the minutes passed by, the leaders of the Trailblazers were surprised to see Nervia and Thunder Brain, the Stargazers leaders, accompanied by a pair of a “golden” rattata and a noibat, followed a bit later by Waterbaby and Blanc, along with five more pokemon which included a ho-oh and a keldeo. Unbeknownst to the six Vandril guild bosses, Siegfried gave a signal to his telepaths to establish a web linking all of the minds of the members of the squad so they could talk without the need of emitting sound.   ‘Looks like you achieved the

As told by us - Reloaded

17 deviations
Dungeon 1 Explorers PLACEHOLDER

As told by us

115 deviations
Ready to duel?


11 deviations
Fire wizard Cat


14 deviations
Personal NPC's: Ivanna Dragonheart

PMD: Winds of change

11 deviations

Part 5: There's a disturbance

There was a long standing silence around the fire. Many of them couldn’t credit what they’ve just witnessed. It was in truth a whole different kind of war. One not moved by monarchies or the strict good and evil concepts, but two different ways of thinking and with a lot of military technology in the middle. Even magic, the only thing that could tip the balance in the past or cause a huge problem, was now secondary with the lethality and speed of the new weapons, making the work of magic user harder than before. There were also mixed reactions among the group. For the cases of Marth and Robin, seeing how their ways of fighting, forging al...

Tales of Tabira

233 deviations
Imperial craft: T/F and T/IN

Star wars

1 deviation
Woodcutter minotaur (Ex barbarian)

Fantastic creatures

15 deviations

Service Event 5 Part 6: Mental focus

As the evening approached later in the day, the group alongside Angrod and Indis arrived at the location Tresham designated as the meditation area. Nearby there were Eunice, Daedra, Voz and Thalia, who already took the first session the day before but were willing to go for a second to fully have their minds clear. Surprisingly enough, there was just one more team around that they’ve seen during the Black Arms skirmish a while ago at the isles, Breakage to be precise. However, the shinx Chipo didn’t seem to want to be there.   “Welcome to the meditation session” the kadabra greeted them. “Before we begin… Kael, Selendis, I personally congratulate you for passing the previous trials. You’ve shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are prepared for the next challenges” “It wasn’t just us” the ralts corrected him. “Camila and Cadoc deserve as much recognition as we do. Even so, the job is far from done, because now others that are working alongside us need to be just as good” “I have the


148 deviations

S. M. 2 Part 2: A waited encounter and a shield

As they passed to the next area, they saw keytures going in and out in frequent intervals, carrying boxes, materials or going empty handed. The smell of something burning caught their attention. Turning their heads, they saw a blacksmith, or at least the general stuff of it. Some of the volunteers were working in alongside a cream colored keyture with horns, hooves and a hammer. It was quite surprising to hear that the voice was feminine. No many female worked in the blacksmithing sector. At some distance was another keyture of a deep pink coloration explaining how to make what it looked like jewelry. They weren’t sure for what, but as the...

Keyture "Closed"

23 deviations
Commision #3: Atherakhia


3 deviations
The 'out of place' human


2 deviations
SoS Lissa reference

Stories of Sierde

6 deviations

M. Q. 8 Pt. 2 - 24: Assault on the federal cruiser

Meanwhile, the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Sons of liberty were battling their way to the rendezvous point, dealing with an increasing number of pactist forces, as well as the mechanical abominations that they threw at them. Along the way, they encounter more of the Father’s hybrid cannon fodder, which most of it was freed and placed between the evacuees and the strike force, the latter allowing it to have a makeshift battalion. Funnily enough, they could still use their elemental powers, but they had to be very sparingly with them as they had no idea if Mewthree rigged the fortress to become a massive Null Field device.   However, they had to slow down at times, as Eva, Amy and Kai were requesting constant resupply from Palgius when they were running dangerously low on syringes, virus shatters, ammo and medicine, to keep the momentum going. It also didn’t help out that they began to encounter, aside of the three phases of Dark Troopers plus armored support and their version of Iron

Pokemon Legends War

304 deviations

Side Story 3 Part 9: Goodbye Vitoze

After that long story, the group now realized how dangerous Constantine truly was. The amount of people and ascended needed just to stop him was already too much. If he had the backup of this culprit group and decades of experience, as demonstrated of how he was able to capture Violet easily, any normal confrontation would certainly be disastrous. For the two new additions, the tale gave them new perspectives. For Archibald, he now knew that his “aunt” had her low moments before and unlike the present, she had to fight more in the past to protect the country that once was her home, giving him more reasons to fight back. Just as the two of the adults told them, they may not know how to defeat Constantine again, but they would find one in time. In the case of Riley, the way how Erwin behaved, how he had to do everything from zero and even when he had many things against him from the beginning would be worth of being a hero of the stories she heard in her childhood. Maybe that’s


2 deviations