
M. Q. 8 Part 2 - 15: The lahgenian storm

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Literature Text

In the early hours of the morning, as the sun had yet to make act of appearance, a massive congregation of forces was happening at the northern regions of Lahgenias. In a move that was seemingly unprecedented, if taken into account that the last crisis barely brought the two warring factions together barely, this time there was a greater incentive to not only cooperate in a more organized way but also bring many sides of the continent together for a single goal: take down the Father.


In an ironic twist, the divine scientist that wanted to pursue unrestricted biological science and control Lahgenias for his desires became what unified the land… against him. From many corners of Resistance, Corrupted, Neutral and even Pacifist sides, they realized that their problems would not end if he remained around creating more hybrids using whatever material he had within reach. And their resolve was solidified after his botched announcement, putting the proverbial target sign with the words “Kick me” on himself. Whether it was plain arrogance, lack of intelligence or overestimating his capabilities, the result spoke for itself as he now had to fight almost everyone with what he had left and nothing to pull attention away.


But even with a new resolve to put an end to the one that started the chaos and misery that Lahgenias experienced for a little more of a decade, the Father was far from defenseless and everyone knew beating him in combat would be far harder than it sounded. For that end, preparations were carried out for as many scenarios as possible. People from across the continent, from other lands and even from time itself have done everything they could in their allotted hours to get ready for the confrontation in a place very few have stepped into and knew what kind of horrors awaited.


And while that was true, other powers observed this battle as a golden opportunity to further their strategic plans, taking advantage of how oblivious they were to the additional dangers that were not accounted for yet and conspiring against the unified front not necessarily to see their demise but that their fear of the outside world would be such that they would never attempt to get involved in other conflicts beyond their borders, effectively turning any new nation as hermit kingdoms detached from everything, letting them wither away as their operations continue unimpeded.


That kind of scenario, for both Mewtwo and Drake, was unacceptable. Experiencing firsthand the viciousness and callousness of both the Federation and the Pact in getting their way, and realizing that Lahgenias sooner or later would be fully on their sights with forces they were ill-prepared to face once every other nation was snuffed out of existence, they ended up working together on the shadows to at the very least be of assistance to those that had the means to fight them back.


As the two pokemon were watching those of their faction assembling at the designated sites, with the legendaries each side had making act of appearance but keeping their distance, heroes ready to end the dark history that has gripped their land for far too long and everyone that could help in the endeavor, they silently eyed the only group that remained at a certain distance from everyone.


Outside the view of those like Evonza, Magnus, Kenneth, Mimi and many others, a separate combat force comprised of the fruits of months of constant back and forth of the original Wardog team was waiting for the signal to deploy. Taking the role of temporary leaders were Aro, who was waiting atop of V2’s head, Erika and Zack. Extra additions that have been in the sidelines of the conflict like Clara, Claude, Zippy were called in to complement Noreen and Henry in informatics, communication, technology and robotic tasks, knowing to a greater extent what they would face inside the fortress.


What it was catching the eye of many was the amount of “legendaries” that were among them, such as Cordelia, Nova, Arkantos, Imca, Jenny and Noreen. Most surprisingly was that, at least for some, they were fine with the presence of each of them as it was a bit of a callback of how things were… or how different Lahgenias was compared to the rest of the world up to this point.


But regardless of their legendaries, the two massive dragons, or wearing a more distinctive military uniform compared to rest, sporting the red, black grey and small traces of yellow, the group remained eerily silent, staring at the flying facility and the enemies that would be waiting for them the moment they set foot in it.


It was during that standby that Drake and Mewtwo, with a quick camouflage spell to give them room by Katrina to talk to them, approached. They saw that, strangely enough, they were lightly equipped for such a big operation.


“Everything is in place?” the darkrai asked.

Aro nodded. “Just waiting for the party to start”

“Just as a warning, we’ll keep communications to the bare minimum so they have a harder time pinpointing us or trying to jam them” Erika stated.

“But… where is the rest of your gear?” the legendary felt that something was off.

“We have to keep some appearances” Karla pointed at the floating fortress in the distance. “They know we’re in range to teleport in if we wished, so it’s very likely they left some beacons to get a reading on force composition and what we’re bringing”

“True… most if not all are carrying their full equipment with them” Drake looked at the gathering area. “Any signs of Mewthree? Or any of his forces?”

“Nothing” Tid shocked his head. “There’s total radio silence in that fortress and the surrounding area. A few purple robot combee scouts but nothing suggesting they sent advanced patrols to deter intruders”

“They’re most likely hiding everything within its walls, roofs and floors, if not also the terrain below it to pick the strike force piece by piece before it reaches the top” Cordelia suspected.

Mewtwo grimaced at the prospect of having a very uphill battle with his ‘stepbrother’ adding more wood to the fire. “So that means you’ll focus in activating them on your side?”

“That’s the plan” Adolf checked his assault rifle.

“And before we forget, we managed to coordinate with the legendaries that will pop on our side” Katrina told them. “Hoogius helped us to work around on how we’re supposed to do it”


For Drake it was a little surprising that the unbound hoopa would offer them a very reasonable assistance, knowing from the experience of others that he had a tendency of flipping the table, including the floor, without explaining why. Then again, Palgius became a friend of Eleanor and the insanity of some of the members of her group were more than a match for the mythical, who was now embroiled in the videogame culture, so at the very least they could reliably count on him, as well as the palkia, to switch the places of other legendaries.


The other point of concern was that, when Mewtwo learned about it, was that they were able to secure Zamazenta’s shield to press forward. Thanks to the previous experience, he had every reason to distrust her, even if Zacian would be a no-show with the wolves and sons. In that, Cordelia and the darkrai only mentioned that she had a motive to not screw things up and see the battle to the end, indicating that the lesser zacian would stay by her side and, funnily enough, be the one passing or giving orders to her.


“And how do you plan on fighting with her?” the legendary asked.

“She has a shield, we have the guns and explosive ordinance” Adolf pointed at every long range weapon in their arsenal. “Together we can act as living mobile bunker or a tank. In that way she doesn’t stretch beyond the group and we can lay down suppressive fire”

“Acting in a way that’s less about pokemon battles and more about your style of combat” Drake was seeing the logic. “You want the scientist’s forces to react compared to the ones under Mewthree”

“We’re still figuring out how to make him react as well, so please, if anyone gets a glimpse of him lurking around, either pull back or look for an alternative route” Cordelia suggested.

“We will” Mewtwo nodded, already dreading the encounter.


Interestingly enough, neither leader moved from where they were. Along with the rest of the wolves and sons, they waited for the first wave to crash into the fortress and force the attention of the Father and Mewthree onto them. And if there was something the four members of the Wardog team were quite “legendary” was how to cause a military chaos against those that had little notion about it.




At the same time, a fast-moving gunship was flying barely above ground in order to be less visible to any detection systems. Inside, Kai, Amy, Alfonso and Rosie were preparing for what it promised to be a bloody affair. Full combat armor was being sealed, gadgets were equipped, weapons were loaded and checked, and ammo and energy packs were put in their respective compartments. As well, all of the supplies for their strike forces were carried along with them. For any other pokemon, it seemed like a risky move, but for them, the idea was not to give the enemy forces any good reading on their gear beforehand, something that could give them a slight advantage in the “urbanized” environment and divert more hybrids and clones in their direction.


As the team was ready for deployment, the pilot opened up the internal comms. “Commander, approaching target”

“This is it” Rosie grinned, shaking her shoulders as she was staring at the massive autocannon she was bringing to the fight. “Time to kick some ass”

Kai remained serious as he gave his orders to the pilot. “Begin jamming signals”

“Yes sir!” it was followed by a beep, indicating that the device designed for such purpose was active.

Amy, who was wearing a helmet to cover her entire heard to complete her construct armor, glanced at the braixen through her visor. “Do you have the beacon?”

“I do” he nodded. “Once the device Kourtney holds with Palgius’ gear detects it, they’ll move right in”

“And then we’ll have to ‘wander’ around the fortress, causing so much havoc that the Mad Scientist and Mewthree have to either focus on us or have their base lose altitude and production capabilities” Alfonso commented. “Hopefully that would leave the real strike force get to the citadel and… whatever god wants to be the outcome”

“I’m not exactly fond on having to add the Mad Scientist to the list of enemies to worry about if they fail” the zeraora crossed her arms. “Especially since he’d probably be on the side of the Pact and Federation unlike his future self”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he does something like that” the corviknight pointed. “I mean… we’re a complete abnormality to him, so he’ll be more vicious in taking us out and will be more receptive of the military industrial complex”

“Then let’s make sure we stay one step ahead” Kai contacted the pilot. “Open the rear door”


Soon enough, the rear door of the gunship disengaged the locks as the team took positions within the transport, ready for a bumpy insertion. The opening revealed the massive landscape of the territory near the fortress as the aircraft began to ascend, the weather starting to get cloudy. A day of battle indeed, Amy thought as the magnetic seats kept her in place and her hand increased the grip on her railgun lance.


A short while later, the pilot talked through the comms. “Approaching pactist perimeter. We’re undetected”

“Gun it!” Kai ordered.

“Sir!” the team could hear the lever going at the maximum speed.


The gunship went so fast towards the fortress that it began to hit something on its way with methalic thuds followed by debris falling to the ground. Amy immediately identified them as Iron Keepers that were strangely well outside the complex, indicating that Mewthree helped the Father in some capacity to bolster his numbers. Worse, there were sensor ghosts below, which could mean a weak but proper outer defensive grid.


To allow the aircraft to return to base, Kai instructed the pilot to drop the miniature explosives in the final approach towards the fortress. From a compartment at the belly of the gunship, they scattered across the plains and, after a few seconds, the ground flared up in a blaze of anti-aircraft fire, the first of its kind in all of Lahgenias since virtually ever.


“We should’ve known Mewthree would give guns to the hybrids unlike the scientist” Rosie complained.

“Be glad that aiming with a war tool is not in their skill set” Alfonso commented.

With evasive maneuvers, the gunship was able to slip through the hail of what appeared to be blaster shots and get into the airspace of the fortress proper, the damage of the shield generators not even repaired as they were completely destroyed by the orbital ion cannon and no replacements were even granted by the Pact. It was something Kai was relieved to see, already guessing that if they waited a few more days, the Federation would’ve stepped up to make up for the loss of defensive mechanisms.


Taking advantage of the lack of any aerial response, as none of the expected gryphon hybrids or related flying units made act of appearance, the gunship took aim at one of the weak areas of the fortress at the outer wall and fired a few missiles to open up a gap big enough for the aircraft to get through. Once inside, it began to descend until it was barely above the floor of a big room.


As fast as possible, Kai and Amy put boots on the fortress as Rosie and Alfonso were unloading the equipment, with the braixen taking one of the devices containing one of the space gears the group still hadn’t used yet. Pointing at the empty space, he activated it, sending a signal that was received and shortly thereafter, a portal connecting the two gears immediately materialized.


With a signal of his paw, the wolf strike force passed through the gate, with many lahgenians watching in surprise and stunned silence at not only how fast they were proceeding compared to everyone else, but also the two pokemon leading the charge… at least for a few seconds until the portal closed, Drake and Mewtwo being the last of seeing them and hoping that they would complete their mission as they took the shot against the Father.


“Get your gear immediately” Kai ordered once the group assembled. “We’ll be moving in the next five minutes”

“Nice to see giving everyone a lesson on how to crash into enemy bases to everyone else” Joseph grinned.

“Can it, Hellscale” Amy raised her head. “Viper, Marauder, you two with V1 and V2 get the Beagle Active Probes and Guardian ECMs up and running. We’ll need our initial coverage of the area and signal invisibility before we tap into the fortress network”

“I’m surprised we haven’t met with stiff resistance from the beginning” Nova looked around.

“If the first time served as an indication, it’s very likely Mewthree is pulling the strings in the defense of the fortress” Zack frowned. “He won’t show up all of his cards with us”


After a couple of minutes, the wolf and son strike force was fully equipped and ready for the operation. Before departing the gunship got clearance to leave the region, detonating the explosives down below as it used it for cover as it dove below the fortress and flew away, its task accomplished by that point. From there, the group reviewed their plan of attack.


As agreed, one of the strike force’s objectives was to reach a node of the fortress’ computer servers not far away from their current location to not only get a better layout of the place compared to the one they got before, but also insert Haxcat’s virus into it, proverbially planting the C4 within the structure. That job fell onto Clara, Tid, V1 and Henry, the ones that had a good amount of experience with the technological circus.


The second one was to permanently shut down hybrid, zombie and clone production in its entirety, taking any data available as well as the living creatures and those locked in their incubation pods. In that, Ruby, Howitzer, Cordelia and Imca would prove instrumental to get those that would be conscious enough to their side if they were encountered as enemies and could be subdued rather than eliminated.


And the last one was to eliminate any and all pactist and federal presence by drawing their attention towards them with surgical attacks in any important installation of the fortress if they intended to evacuate it from Lahgenias and use it as their new science vessel. Most of the strike force had enough firepower dedicated for that purpose to rearrange the corridors and chambers in something that resembled more as urban ruins.


“Since we’re not going to be easy to spot, we’ll have to leave a trail of destruction so big that they’ll have to pick it up” Aro stated.

“Either that or track us by noticing the loss of contact with any patrols and determine where they’re happening” Cordelia pointed. “I know I would do that in their position”

“Then we better do so while also not exposing ourselves” Katrina advised.

“True” Riela nodded. “Mewthree might be more elastic compared to the scientist in the defense and will call upon whatever has in store for us”

“And to handle that we’ll use the formation we agreed upon” Kai looked to all members. “Our technicians and medics will be at the center”

“While I take the rearguard with my summons along with Arkantos, Cornelius, Elisa, Craig and Cordelia” Valerian nodded.

“Just before I forget, Jenny and Jeremy will stay with Noreen, Henry, Clara, Claude, Zippy, and the others?” Tid asked.

“And protection from Joseph, Kourtney, Adolf and Erika” Brandon gestured. “Not to mention that Jenny and Jimmy have proven that they can defend themselves and those that they care”

“A little concerning that Jimmy is here” the goomy kobold rubbed her arm.

“I know what we have to do” the sliver miraidon assured her. “We’ll stay close to my mom and help her as well as the others with their task. Only in the event that something or someone manages to slip by is when we’ll fight back. And don’t worry about Jimmy, because I won’t allow anyone to touch him”

“They already did a lot in the moon mission and Erika allowed them to come under the condition that this time they follow orders to the letter and we’ll watch over them” the floatzel explained. “And we have enough numbers to concentrate in particular tasks”

“That leaves the rest of us to act as the vanguard” Amy eyed those that would share the brunt of the fight. “Remember to concentrate your fire to one enemy at a time or lay suppressive fire in the event of being ambushed”

“If it comes to it, Imca and I can flank the opposition with a few hands to help us out” Howitzer told them.

“All in good time” Zack looked at a digital clock he was wearing. “We need to start moving. It won’t be long before the lahgenian main force begins its push”


After everyone was clear in their organization and missions, they formed up and, with both Amy and Kai at the front along with Rosie and Alfonso acting as the tip of the spear, they pressed into the fortress so they could pave the way for the lahgenians to reach the top of the citadel with moderate opposition.




At the same time, inside a control room, Mewthree was watching how the situation was unfolding. He admitted to himself that the black wolves played their advantages quite well, as the only way to identify their gunship was through visual contact, rendering any form of tracking ineffective to predict the aircraft’s path. We’ll have to be careful with these ones, he frowned. There’s no telling how it would take for them to figure out the trap.


As he was weighing his options, the Father opened a channel. “Why didn’t you stop him before they entered my home for the second time?”

“Well, for that I must ask if you have surface-to-air missile batteries, flak cannons, laser weaponry or the like, because that would’ve been very helpful right now” Mewthree crossed his arms, looking annoyed.

The scientist remained awfully silent.

“That’s what I thought” the green mewtwo sighed. “I’m not going to reveal the traps just because you never invested properly in weapon’s development. Besides, the modified Iron Keepers equipped with elemental blaster weaponry at the arms did serve as a warning of what might be waiting for them. Not to mention, they don’t know what else is hidden, so for now we’ll let them advance”

“… Well, that makes sense” the dark crobat conceded. “Anyways, I thought about the use of my original powerful hybrids and… as long as you keep them from total neutralization and capture, you’ll have temporary command over them. All of them have been placed within the citadel when the transport made its way in”

“If that’s the case, I’ll assign each member of the Arbok Squad to one of your BWMDs. In that way they’ll be far more useful for more niche events that were not designed for. But don’t worry too much about it as the clones and M.K. II variants of your creations are more suited to attritional losses”

“I’ll take your word in that. Make them bleed and take away the hope of the lahgenians to even believe that they had a chance of fighting back. I’m still in the final phases of fully integrating with the heterocreature, so for now this is your performance”


That can be arranged, Mewthree grinned as the Father ended the communication for the time being. Seeing that the lahgenians hadn’t teleported or flew towards the fortress yet, he checked the status of the defenses of the complex, the production centers to churn out more forces and the disposition of some of the powerful hybrids to maximize their abilities with the correct environment and any detail that the current detection systems wouldn’t pick.


He was keenly aware that the multidimensional sylveon was still tied to the network and subtle attempts of purging his presence through the Punishing Virus were met with little success. However, masking the operations of the Pact and Federation within the walls of the fortress was far more productive, as the intruder still believed that the Father was not only inside the citadel, but seemingly isolated and without foreign assistance.


After making sure the sylveon was “still in the dark”, he contacted the Arbok Squadron, relaying the authorization the Father gave him. In order, Seething Fire was assigned to Minre, Blustering Bolt to ADAM, Iron Colossus to Meteor and Iron Drake to Night Slash. On his end he would take direct control of Arctic Wake and Iron Lightning, the former already in line after asserting his dominance over it and the latter having a drop of infection of the Punishing Virus to patch the problem of the unstable reactor until the attrition of battle stressed the robot to the point of breaking apart.


“Now that’s how you set up the party” the electivire chuckled. “And I’m already well acquainted with the nuclear bird. Should be a piece of cake pointing exactly where we need to vaporize specific enemies”

“No one wants to hear about your electric whip” the nidoking remarked. “Regardless, I have other iron hybrids to make some delaying action. I’ll work in activating Iron Colossus and conceal its sensor return just in case”

“Heheheheheh… I’ll have so much fun while the miniature tank acts as a massive distraction” the lurantis laughed in a crazy manner.

“I’ll need some minutes to bring Seething Fire under my direct control so it can follow my orders as required, but I believe I can make the most of a flying volcano” the gardevoir informed. “What about the clones and mark two versions?”

“The robots are moving to the designated chokepoints where we expect the black wolves and Sons of Liberty to advance, and we only have one independent arctic wake” Mewthree stated. “The other empty clones are positioned in a good spot to reach the fight quickly and fall back should the resistance proves to be tougher than expected”

“I’m sure our new ally will have the time of his life” ADAM grinned. “Anyways, better get things done quickly before the fun begins”


With that, the Arbok Squad waited for the BWMDs to arrive towards their preplanned command areas and squeeze them for not what they were designed to do, but what they COULD do if pressed hard enough. That was a good way to test if the weapons were versatile and could be used in more than just big pokemon powers dis some legendary damage or needed a long time for refinement, adjustments and upgrades for later versions to improve on the concept.


As for Mewthree, he had one last pokemon to call. Using is Punishing Virus to act as a telepathic conduit to keep the relation of the “siblings” as a secret, he mentally contacted Malice, who was at the moment still controlling the body of the arctic wake clone that was granted to him to be used as a more aggressive and independent BWMD compared to the original version.


‘Our first wave of guests has arrived’ the green mewtwo told him,

‘Are the black wolves there?’ the ghost zorua tensed the body he was controlling up.

‘Indeed’ the swordsmon nodded. ‘The lahgenian forces have not arrived yet as far as I can tell, so we’ll have to deal with them first before they pave the way for them’

‘Just let me at them. I’ve been itching to tear their flesh, crush their bones and toss what’s left to the void now that I have a creature I can fully command’ the fox’s anger was palpable.

‘Patience, my brother’ Mewthree advised. ‘You’ll have your chance at chewing them, but not when they’re at full strength and are keeping some of their aces well hidden. For now let’s observe what kind of strategy they are applying on their end. Once we understand their order of battle we can drop the hammer on them’

‘I hate waiting for too long’ Malice grumbled.

‘And what happens when you do and strike at the perfect time?’

‘… I win… at least something’


Mewthree was aware of how impatient Malice was when it came to kill things, but knew how to refrain him from acting too early or too late. The green mewtwo already saw that the ghost zorua was smart, but still governed by emotions rather than logic. Regardless of the outcome of the next battles, if he was able to take him at a later date and shape him to become a skilled operative, then he would have the very living representation of his Rune of Death.


‘Just remain in the network for now, but I promise you that you’ll draw first blood’ Mewthree assured him. ‘Also, in the event of some lahegnias making an unannounced visit, you can switch groups and deal with a more… appetizing enemy if the black wolves refuse to die. At the very least if you pull them away from Xerneas, Vets and Noh-Croz, their chances of reviving someone would be minimal and we can chip away their confidence as they ascend’

‘That’s what I don’t understand’ Malice pointed. ‘Why allowing them get close and the black wolves must stay away?’

‘Because… some people need a reminder that the outside world is far scarier than our progenitor’ the green mewtwo gave an eerie smile. ‘And I intend to make sure that the lahgenians stay as isolated as possible’



And the next act begins. Merry Christmas to all.

Story / The Father, Mewtwo and Drake belong to PokemonLegendsWar

Malice belongs to @PCX-Art

Pokemon belongs to Nintendo

Personal characters belong to me

© 2024 - 2025 Spartan-771
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PCX-Art's avatar

I imagine that Mewthree's favorite X-mas song would probobly be a slight veriason of (abit with the word "we're" replaced with "your" and "humanity" replaced with "Pokemonaty") ;P