Deviation Actions
Literature Text
The next day, far away from Lahgenias in a white and clean hallway, Amy was sitting on a classical hospital plastic chair, with Mewtwo beside her, looking quite nervous and holding onto her… and he couldn’t blame him. After all, they were inside one of the many laboratories of the Science Council, waiting for the medical procedures to take place so he was able to link up with her via the nanomachines and interact with similar technologies if that meant he could assist her by playing the same game.
Nearby were Ruby, Xerneas, Kai, Drake, Aro, Eleanor, Zack and Jack, with the addition of the lucario Alex and the winged silvally Lucas, as the confirmation that Mewthree would be a factor to consider in the upcoming engagement meant that the latter duo had to be pulled back and join the preparations, keeping them as a sort of a trump card in case the coalition needed it.
From the corner of his eye, Mewtwo saw an electronic clock keeping track of the time, although the concept of time zones were enough to mess with the what he knew about day and night, at least from where he came and he hasn’t completely gone over it since his short stay in Kentares. He thanked that there was no tick to be heard. Otherwise he would be far more nervous to hold himself back.
As a way to distract himself, he stared at Amy. “Hey, uh… How did it go with Evonza?”
“Well, hah, Tid, Ruby and I were as neutral as possible, hearing about the plans she had with the other commanders… and she was a little annoyed I was not going to talk to her without them” the lopunny scratched the back of her head. “I didn’t tell her that Wild Boar gathered enough corrupted members for his Obsidian Hand or that Nova’s Forest Rangers have enough battle strength to get the job done”
“… You were about to turn around and leave her talking, right?”
“I was this close at times, especially with the rants of the first round of peace talks that, thanks to Drake and the group Kai met, let me know what actually happened without the propagandistic bullshit. Truth be told, she will always rub me in the wrong way and… some corrupted don’t really deserve her to be a leader and don’t want her to become one, whether you ‘blessed’ her with the position or not, so I really hope you don’t mind if you give the green light and allow a counterbalance to be established”
“A republic, correct? I don’t know…” Mewtwo sighed. “I mean… yeah, I can see the personal freedom it might bring and that people realizing their destinies is what drive a nation to become better, but… she could take it as a betrayal that I talked with…”
“Less loyal people?” Amy raised an eyebrow. “If anything, many corrupted are not fighting because of serving a god or to institute a queen that so far has, from the international standpoint, no legal rights and don’t represent their interest. Before, it was a matter of survival. Right now, it’s an ideology that drives those groups. Not to mention…”
“I instilled them with the idea of freedom” the legendary knew the dilemma he created for himself and many others. He was well aware that some corrupted would want to be left alone and take no part into any disputes or power plays happening across the territory, which could not be done if someone ‘loyal’ to him started to become the very thing he swore to fight back.
It was then that Drake, who was hearing, decided to join in. “Honestly… I’m not exactly comfortable with some of those demands, but… I already gave my word that the war will come to an end. I just don’t want the coming peace treaty to be the causes for the next internal conflict”
“So you’re really going to make Zacian and Zamazenta atone? To apologize?”
The darkrai sighed a little, but since this was probably one of the very few instances he could talk with Mewtwo face to face, he preferred to sort things out with the one that really wanted an apology from the sword and shield canines. He stated that, if he was asked a while ago, he was in all honesty not sure how to enact the request, as everyone knew that the primordial legendaries were, if anything, quite stubborn to lower themselves to the mud and see that they were as imperfect as the “mortals” that lived in Lahgenias. However, the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Sons of Liberty could in good faith do it in their way, requiring only his approval and those of key commanders to bring the worldwide judicial system into play. And so far, they had the green light.
“It’s ironically the easiest thing in the list” Kai commented, after listening for a while.
“But that means your zacian… Cordelia…” Mewtwo was a little concerned that with that act, the sword dog from beyond Lahgenias would be tasked with putting both canines down and force them to say sorry in front of the cameras. “… I can still help her, if…”
“Let me ask you one thing, Matt” Zack interrupted him. “Do you trust her?”
“Do you trust her? I heard what she decided to do, from her muzzle. Do you trust that as an exotic pokemon, being part of the same species as a primordial but driven by her personal values, convictions and determination will succeed in what you and many others consider as a foolish endeavor?”
The legendary wasn’t exactly sure. The more he thought about it, the more he believed he sent Cordelia to her doom. But at the same time, he remembered that despite the danger and that she had every right to walk away as Lahgenias was not her home and not her problem, she chose, willingly, to do something about it. And ironically, he could still see her smile, something genuine that gave him more assurance than appearing more powerful.
“Keep in mind she won’t go there completely alone” Alex pointed. “She has our people and the wolves to assist her if needed. Also… I believe she might have a plan in how to deal with Zach at the very least. After all, she is a zacian, so she knows how to deal with her own kind”
“At least with the stereotypical one” Aro crossed his arms. “Anyways, the other thing that Evonza demanded was the thing about releasing every corrupted prisoner that could potentially become a time bomb in itself, which could include those that assisted the Pact and the Federation as molds”
“Yeah, I know…” Mewtwo put both of his hand on his face, being aware that some of his people were more than willing to betray him and their comrades but with the unfortunate problem of being at the wrong place, at the wrong time. “I guess that also translates to…”
“Refugees, those that joined the wolves willingly, those that became kentarians, etcetera” Kai listed. “Like it or not, I’ll need to put Evonza in her place, as many will fight to the death to maintain what they’ve gained or the peace they’ve earned. Others will try to get further and further away from Lahgenias, even if they are an ocean away”
“But we can’t let those that still want to blow things up regardless of side to be left to their own devices” Eleanor stated. “The Resistance almost kicked me out for liking explosives too much”
“Hold your rapidashes, Eli. I believe there’s a way to curb Evonza while at the same time complying with the conditions of the peace treaty” Amy got thinking.
“I see that the feather of the Ho-oh of old is shining above your head” Xerneas smiled a little. “Do you have a way to balance the situation?”
The lopunny explained that the eevee wanted the corrupted to return, so they, of course, would oblige. However, there will be a catch and it only needed both Drake and Mewtwo to allow it to happen. She suggested that instead of leaving the transfer of “prisoners” to any “lunatic” out there, many getting the hint of which pokemon she was referring to, they could assign the job to the groups that were largely unbiased, had a bit of history that was at the surface respectful of one to another and were competent enough to determine who actually deserved to be released.
“You’re suggesting that the Obsidian Hand and the Shadow Fang are the ones handling the transfer?” the darkrai could see her reasoning.
“General Wild Boar is not the one that will cause the corrupted faction as a whole to collapse because of the childish behavior of one of the lesser leaders. Also, you know him personally, so he’ll have no issues in doing things as they should be instead of recklessly” Amy nodded.
“And Miranda could switch places with Resistance guards and get access to the manifests to make sure they select the people that will get out and those that, because of being a danger to everyone, will remain” Aro added.
“For that, you’ll probably need to create enough pressure against her and state it in the second round of peace talks” Alex suggested. “What I’m saying is… the biggest obstacle of that eevee will have to be those from her side and any corrupted that is willing to draw the red line and warn her what might be happening if she keeps demanding everything”
“… I’m not sure I can help you in that” Mewtwo admitted. Even when they were right, asking Evonza to tone down her rhetoric or don’t cause something that could harm her sister was difficult for him, especially since he prompted her up as a monarch, something some were voicing within corrupted circles as one of his biggest blunders.
“If anything, Matt, the last thing anyone wants is that Evonza sees you as a wolf member, therefore deeming you completely untrustworthy and causing a complete derailment of the peace talks” Zack pointed. “Moreover, I believe both you and Drake have to remain completely impartial if we participate as fully independent organizations so the minimal amount of people is in the loop of awareness of your relationship with both a group of tabiran freedom fighters and a ‘Mercenary Regiment’”
“Um… perhaps the Wolf’s Dragoons could use the larger group namesake that formed them in that other reality?” Ruby suggested. “Like Aro’s Clan Wolverine… maybe Clan Wolf should be the one leading the peace talks with the Sons of Liberty?”
“That is turning the wolves from a strict military force with scientific development into a state that also includes the economic, political and social branches” Kai frowned. “However, I’m not the one to start bringing things such as the zellbrigen and bushido philosophy for honorable combat. Total war only cares about the complete destruction of your opponent”
“If I’m allowed to interrupt and speak about the sense of honor… you, Amy and everyone that has chosen to follow you, including my daughter, have shown it in many occasions to the lahgenian people” Xerneas stated. “Unlike those like me, the other legendaries and many others through this… civil war… you never pointed a weapon or unleashed your full might against the other pokemon or those that acted as your adversaries. You could’ve killed them in mass if you were true mercenaries employed by both sides… or like us if each individual life was meaningless, but you restrained yourselves in ways we, as the supposed deities, threw away… and gained more and more allies as a result. You don’t adhere to a written code of honor, you live one. And in turn, you inspire others like Matthew here to make the leap forward, despite his own doubts”
It was strange to hear the Elder Tree talking about something different than the philosophy of life that she could explain for days if she had more than enough time to do so, but it was clear her increasing adaptability and old memories of other debates that she participated in her existence were, ironically, making her more civilized to control her inner demon.
That didn’t account that she took her time within the Wolf Isles to sharpen her hooves and antlers seriously, willingly joining mock battles either as a one-mon army or alongside Nova and some of her personal Forest Rangers against technologically more sophisticated opponents to avoid being caught with overdependence in her legendary power, something Mewthree exploited for his benefit with his cursed esoteric powers that his masters were granting him, taunting her into attacking from a position of a regular pokemon that didn’t know better how to fight. And she was not going to make that mistake again, no matter how enraged she was.
Regardless, what she said held truth, as after all Mewtwo would never even consider getting himself a shot willingly due to his personal traumas and distrust on modern medicine at any given point. But just because Amy was taking the so-called legendary danger almost by herself, doing very painful things onto herself so she was able to stay “competitive” against powerful foes, he was not going to let her shoulder that kind of burden alone. Also Mimi was someone he wanted to protect, so against his fears he decided, secretly, to be able to work with the lopunny side by side by taking her route in order to have two construct pokemon that could be able to mix with technology and bypass many obstacles.
It was in that moment of contemplation that the door slid to the side, revealing Katrina and Cella, both wearing white aprons and more modern clothes. “We’re ready, guys. Matt can enter now”
Mewtwo tensed up that the moment he was fearful about finally arrived. “O-oh… I… I-it’s...”
Amy held him by the shoulder. “Last chance to walk back. Once we cross that door, you’ll have to get through the procedures to the end. No escapes this time”
A part of him wanted not to even make a single step, knowing he couldn’t teleport anywhere and, if anything, could only count with the natural strength of his body to start running. Yet, even when he was slightly shaking, he looked at her and raised his hand a little. Amy got the hint, grabbed it and held it tightly. She knew he needed to feel the company of someone far away from his homeland that would stick in his bad moments, in this case, a pseudo older sister.
And without other word spoken, the pair entered the room, accompanied by everyone else. Inside, they saw that, surprisingly, there was quite a lot of space to fit more than just a squad’s worth of pokemon on the big side. Mewtwo then laid his eyes onto the medical bed he was supposed to lay onto. He found a little strange that there were not many “medical torture devices”, until the azumarill Asimov, dressed in his quite eccentric scientist clothes, appeared from the other end, already prepared for the whole thing.
“I hope we didn’t take too much of your time” Alex crossed his arms.
“Most of my projects are in the iteration phase or lack certain key elements to progress any further, so it’s not like I had too much urgency to get this procedure done, unlike you” Asimov adjusted his gloves as he was staring at Mewtwo. “It appears the cure I provided to her got rid of the infection that was about to consume you”
“Yeah…” the legendary rubbed. “I… well… did you… make it?”
“Helped with the process, but the job was carried mostly by Doctor Catalina Glenn” the azumarill then moved to a computer to check some files. “A microbiologist enthusiast to the extreme, she’s one of the few I know that can take a virus, break it and analyze it in its basic components. It’s also because of her that a C-Virus tranquilizer is being developed. Its job is to tie down the destructive tendencies of your biological curiosity that wreak havoc on the reptilian side of your brains and let you be free to act as you would do so like any other”
“Let me guess, some of the lahgenian corrupted refugees that took the kentarian citizenship offered to help out” Zack caressed his moustache.
“As far as I know, it’s to make sure the madness, destruction and discrimination of Lahgenias does not propagate to other countries, especially those that have been sheltering them” Amy commented. “At least that’s what those people want”
“They’re free to chase their own futures” Aro nodded. “The problem is that someone with a big crown will hate that they’ll show her the finger if she tries to force them back”
“That’s a problem to deal with later” Kai raised his paw to stop that discussion from going any further. “Doctor Asimov, we await instructions”
The azumarill, without moving his eyes and paws from the computer, told them that Mewtwo had to lie down on the bed while Cella, Katrina and Brandon made some initial preparations as he requested. Eva, for her part, was pulling out her set of syringes and some vials, with both Aro and Eleanor behind her almost immediately. After all, if the sylveon showed even a hint of craziness, the kobold had to hold her in place with the garchomp’s help, because there was already a record of eff-ups in the legendary’s medical record and this time some quality assurance would be followed through, now that both progenitors were far away to be an issue.
Meanwhile, Xerneas would be in a reserve role just in case she needed to use bits of her power for stabilization purposes. Given that her power was greatly reduced so far from Lahgenias, Katrina would have to use her magic to hook her up with a dedicated energy reactor that could simulate the replenishment the Elder Tree usually counted with.
For the rest, they would just observe and intervene if more paws were required. Drake for his part remained near Amy, keeping his personal promise of not leaving Mewtwo alone a second time, but trusted that the lopunny could do better than he did in his day and merely stood by, hoping that this time things would go better. And Kai… he leaned on a wall, arms crossed and silently overseeing the operation as the legendary was at that moment his responsibility, and even if there was the “respawn” ability for any sort of mistake, he was not going to start that habit.
As everyone was getting into place, Eva was loading the medical substance into one of her syringes. “Alright, we’re ready with this. Is Matt already on the bed?”
“He’s set up” Amy told her as she was holding Mewtwo’s hand to make him focus on her. “Cella is cleaning his right arm with alcohol”
“Just remember, Eva. Light as a feather and accurate as a sniper” Aro told her in a serious tone. “This time around, Matt can demand you for medical negligence”
“W-wait, I can do that?” Mewtwo was vaguely aware that outside of Lahgenias, in the developed parts of the world at least, any severe mistake coming from a doctor due to their ignorance or lack of pokemon empathy was ground for being dragged into a court and either forced to pay the damage or sent to prison.
“Relax, you two. I’ve become quite familiar with his anatomy thanks to those scans at our medical bay” the sylveon was surprisingly not even stressed by the fact she was going to be the second pokemon in recent times that would give the legendary a shot. “I just need to locate his main veins and it’ll be quite simple from there”
“But don’t mess it up” Eleanor was not completely convinced. “You know you can get… as crazy as I am”
“Eh, Matt is now pretty much a standard, so I’m not interested in playing around. And I know the boss would go so far as crushing my organs from the inside at the smallest of slipups, so I prefer not to see that bill when I have to treat myself”
Amy raised his eyebrow a little, but got a nod from Aro, silently stating Eva was going to follow the rules and do things as they should in medical institutes, ensuring it from beginning to end. The lopunny then refocused on Mewtwo, still in a state of fear, and told him to either look at her directly or close his eyes and concentrate on her hand. It wasn’t easy for the legendary to ignore the incoming needle, but tried his hardest keep those thoughts as far away as he could from his head.
When he felt Eva’s ribbons searching his main vein at his other arm, tying them once she located her mark, he closed his eyes and almost gritted his teeth by the sheer amount of tension he was accumulating, with only Amy being his main anchor and a channel to evacuate a small amount. Drake was also nervous as this was almost a repeat of past events and was worried that the worst would happen again, with Cella being beside him and keeping him focused.
“Focus on my hand, Matt” the lopunny calmly told him. “It’ll be over soon”
“Hah… hah… I… I don’t want to feel the pain. I… hah... I don’t think that I can…” Mewtwo was starting to hyperventilate.
She clenched his hand a little more. “You’re not alone this time… and you will get through”
“But the needles… my other progenitor was… hah… never careful with them… hah… and I…”
“And we’re done” Eva announced as she retracted her ribbons. “Got a good amount of anesthesia inside your body. You should be able to fall asleep in at least the next ten minutes or so”
That was a surprise for Mewtwo, as he was already expecting the experience of piercing metal penetrating his flesh. When he turned around, he saw white cotton and a bandage keeping it in place at his right arm. Raising his head a little, he saw a couple of empty vials and a speck of blood at the tip of the syringe on the table. And then it hit him: he got injected… and he barely felt anything this time.
“Well… looks like the promise has been kept” Alex smiled as he was watching from his seat.
“It’s quite the surprise she was able to do her work without being noticed” Xerneas commented as Ruby was sitting beside her when Amy told her to give her some space.
“He was quite tense, so his brain probably overloaded his nerves and I was able to hit the vein in a single pass” the sylveon threw the gloves out and began to clean her ribbons. “Needless to say, for his first time receiving a shot in a hospital after so long skipping medical checkups, he did it quite well”
“I… I guess so” Mewtwo was still not over his fear of needles and wouldn’t be anytime soon, but the fact Eva did something no one else could up to that point was a little… impressive. “But… how…”
“There’re two general types of shot-givers” Eva began to check some data on a tablet. “Those who are so precise even the body doesn’t register the insertion as something painful… and those that are brutish by nature to not even care. Since I was under total watch to follow the Hippocratic Oath, I’m basically set to be very accurate”
“Thank the legends…” Drake sighed in relief. However, he knew it only just began and turned to Asimov. “How long the procedures would last?”
“Since Matthew is smaller than Amy but with the additional mass going to the tail, I’d estimate between thirty to forty five minutes, give or take” the azumarill calculated as he was finalizing some new files. “But given his primary condition, I’ll have to make adjustments as I go. That’s where the new assistants will help with as the procedures progress”
The Elder Tree slowly stood up and gave some steps forward. “I believe my antlers will be needed to make sure nothing goes astray, correct?”
Asimov nodded. “Just like last time, you’ll be hooked to a fusion reactor that would partially replenish your internal energy and you need to keep an eye on every muscle, every organ and every cell”
As more equipment, tools and spells were prepared, Mewtwo was beginning to feel the effects of the anesthesia, making his body going numb, his vision cloudier and his eyes closing more and more. Even so, the last thing he was seeing was Amy, not moving anywhere as she kept watching him, and feeling that he was safe as his mind drifted into the dream world, without lahgenian powers meddling or interrupting him.
Sometime later, Mewtwo’s eyes slowly opened up, feeling disorientated as the effects of the anesthesia were wearing off. Even so, the first thing he noticed was the blanket he was covered on, followed by Amy, who remained at the same spot he last saw her.
“You’re finally awake, Matt” the lopunny smiled. “Try not to move much as you’re still recovering”
The legendary blinked a few times until he stared at the roof, ignoring everything else but her. “Is it… Is it done?”
“The intrusive hospital part? Yeah, that’s well behind us now” she nodded. “However, there’re two more things we need to go over before returning to Lahgenias properly… or three, as you get used to your interface suit”
“Interwhat?” he looked confused.
“Just take a few more minutes and I’ll explain”
Once he had his five senses working in good order and stood up, not focusing on his surroundings yet, he saw what she was referring to. A strange black suit with some strange golden lines forming some patterns covered everything excepting his head, noticing how many sections it had. Amusingly, Flint’s sock was returned to his original position at the tip of his tail over the set of clothes, forgetting that he still carried it around. But then he began to feel something weird coursing through his body… and he found it very uncomfortable.
“Ngh… why I feel so tense?” Mewtwo clenched his hand, increasing the sensation a little more.
“You now have nanomachines travelling to every part of you” Amy crossed her arms. “And as I warned you, it’s not a pleasant experience the first hours”
“Ugh… yeah… It feels gross for…” he then noticed the sensation lowering a little. “Huh?”
“I believe you can tolerate it a little more?” Katrina asked as she had a sphere of magic floating above one of her paws. “I’m lowering your sensitivity, so you can get used to it”
“B… Better” the legendary nodded and then looked at the lopunny. “How… were you able to get over it?”
“Frankly… getting you out was enough to ignore everything” she shrugged. “By the way, the golden lines are similar to a computer’s mother board”
“Amy… I’m not a computer pokemon… or legendary” Mewtwo gestured. “What does that mean?”
“It means you can interact with different technological devices” Kai explained as he approached to them. “To put it in a way you can understand, you’re an electronic psychic type, but with limitations like those that wield your element. You can interact with advanced machines by just touching them or ‘projecting your mind’ if they have the receptors, but not all will be available to you to ‘mind read’ or command”
Drake, who was at that moment watching from the sidelines with Cella, had a doubt. “And how he will be able to use the microscopic machines?”
“That’s where the calibration phase is for” Asimov stated as he loaded a program into the main computer.
The azumarill continued explaining that while Mewtwo had the nanomachines circulating within his bloodstream, they needed certain codes to operate effectively, especially since he would be linked with Amy in a way no one would suspect. That’s why a small group of them he called the transmitters were standing by to receive wireless messages and spread them with the rest.
To that end, a part of the room’s floor opened up, revealing a strange circular platform with patterns that Aro commented it look similar to the shape of a repair bay back in the Wolf Isles, to which Amy partially agreed with, although this was not for other tools to be put on it, same as large vehicles. Asimov then instructed Mewtwo to step right at the center, with Amy being placed at its perimeter, much to the surprise of Ruby, who saw that it didn’t happen like that before when the lopunny was going through a similar process alone. In that, Cella was getting the hints and suggested to let things play out for now.
Soon enough, the platform’s patterns began to glow and within the confines of Mewtwo’s head, a robotic voice spoke up. He knew it wasn’t its thoughts, because the tone was completely different.
“Uh… W-where that voice is…” Mewtwo gulped as he tried to look where it came from.
“This is normal, Matt. Just focus on me while you keep hearing” Amy remained calmed, showing there was nothing to fear this time.
“I… don’t hear anything” Drake admitted.
“It’s all happening in the wireless level” Asimov explained, his eyes glued to a monitor. “Even if you had telepathy, you wouldn’t hear anything. Now, Amy, open your connection with your nanomachines towards the main server”
The lopunny raised her hand and, almost as she earned magic and with yellow eyes glowing, a floating screen appeared at the tip of her fingers. Without uttering words or typing anything, the ethereal monitors showed multiple lines of text. Mewtwo’s basic understanding about computer suggested him that algorithms were being executed, but aside of that he was clueless of what they contained. He didn’t have to wait long.
‘You now have to pick a nickname for yourself and a password to access the construct system’ Amy instructed him without gesturing or even opening her mouth.
‘H-Huh!? How are you able to talk to me!? You’re not… Wait a minute… HOW ARE YOU USING TELEPATHY!?’ Mewtwo was baffled that she seemingly achieved something that was completely unnatural for her and her species.
The lopunny only tapped the side of her head. ‘Nanocomunications. Our nanomachines are handling what you can call the mechanical telepathy. I was able to get that instruction onto your nanobots, so we can get this side over it before moving further. At least, that’s what Doctor Asimov estimated to be appropriate’
He found it quite unbelievable that little robots were capable of communicating among themselves and being able to transmit that information into their brains, imitating psychic types in their electronic way. However, glancing at Asimov, he got the idea that, in the scientific regard, the azumarill was just like his progenitor. Only that this “mortal” was fully dedicated to his job and knew more often than not what he was doing and where to chase knowledge… unlike his “divine” counterpart that was stretched into many areas, trying to be a scientist and a warlord at the same time.
‘So… just to make sure… no one else can hear us?’ Mewtwo asked.
‘We are in a psychic-insulated area. You know you couldn’t use telepathy, even if your try’ Amy explained. ‘Also, we’re talking into what you can consider a Virtual Private Network or VPN for short. No one but us is allowed to meddle into our discussions’
‘I see…’ he remained quiet for a moment. ‘So what now?’
‘Create a nickname, or call-sign so it’ll be harder to know you’re part of the program, and a password to get the other processes done’
It took him a while to get his personal designation as a construct, but she suggested him something based from what she’s seen from him after all this time. He mulled it for a bit and gave the inputs required: Chainbreaker and the password was related to Mimi. With those accepted the integration with the nanobot VPN continued.
Surprisingly for him, and unlike the mind reading he was used to, doing it either willingly or by force of habit, this electronic network allowed him to get access to higher volumes of information than what he could find in pokemon brains but in a way that wouldn’t overload him thanks to preselected filters. Moreover, he was able to share that information with Amy in record time and, as a test of sorts, get a simple math quiz done in just a couple of seconds that would be minutes in reality.
And, to top it off, he began to summon the floating screens once his eyes turned yellow with small concentric webs signaling that he was now incorporated within the system, as well as his suit. He still was completely lost on how everything worked, with even the comparison on telepathy being just a basic notion, but he got the gist of things and at least could operate in the electronic world in a basic capacity, leaving Amy to put him on to speed for the next months.
“Calibrations look good, activity of the nanomachines reports as stable, countermeasures to diminish elemental power to avoid additional breaches… for now though the process of the construct transformation has been done without incident” Asimov concluded after getting green lights. “Additional updates would be available as the research continues”
“Let’s hope we don’t have to use all of those cards” Amy sighed and looked at Mewtwo. “How do you feel your body?”
“It’s strange… It’s like parts of my head are mostly free to think for myself” he stared at one of his hands. “Minus the part you can read my head in the same way I can read yours”
“Psh… Does it look like you can pass my firewalls and vice versa?” the lopunny grinned.
“… No. I should’ve worded it better” the legendary realized that their connection could not be considered in the realm of psychic powers and that while they could share information between themselves and talk to each other, their inner thoughts remained completely sealed off.
“The important thing is that the procedures ended up successfully” Kai stated as he was approaching. “It will still take time for you to put these new abilities to good use, but for what you need them for will have to do”
“So what comes next?” Drake asked.
“That’s probably for the mightyena technician, the rattata engineer, and both the calyrex and audino doctors to answer” the azumarill was already opening another corridor, leading to another section of the facility.
“Now I remember” Eleanor realized what was going on. “The battle armor needs to be linked so he has the appropriate layer of defense”
“You mean… that the cursed piece of metal…” Mewtwo looked a little uncomfortable.
“It’s not cursed anymore” Zack pointed. “If I know anything about Henry at least is that he’s a good mechanical exorcist”
“I can say that Zippy has been tearing it apart and building back with other stuff which is less… lahgenian” Aro nodded. “Not to mention Claude has his moments of ‘nuclear enlightenment’ and Noreen has quite a good hand with machines”
“Then we better see what they’ve done” Alex
Some minutes later, the group arrived at a larger room almost filled to the roof with machinery, spare parts, electronic components, pieces of strange-looking metal and so on. Funnily enough, aside of the four pokemon that were moved there, a bunch of the iron robots of Noreen were also helping, including the same robotic virzion she used as a mount and, surprisingly enough, her version of Iron Lightning after modifying some pieces meant for repairs, only that this one had crammed a miniaturized version of a fusion reactor designated as the LTV 400, the reactor that its battlemech cousin, the Charger, had strapped to be the fastest assault mech when it came to run fast.
“I’m still not over of the idea that you managed to assemble your Iron Lighting using the spare parts you had around for your Iron Leaves” Eleanor commented as she was brining Aro closer to the group of engineers and technicians.
“Not to mention you managed to get the scout mech trapped in an assault chassis reactor punched all the way down to be rattata-size and imitate a regileki core with far more comfort when it comes to energy distribution” the kobold grinned.
“When you have access to the memory core of the Inner Sphere and you draw comparisons with what the scientist has been trying to create, there’s enough room to adapt some solutions” Noreen smiled. “Also… I can say that our mech doctor here was building the LTV 400 as a passion project of sorts”
“I can say immediately that I’m not interested in bringing the Charger to life” the audino stated as he was checking some parameters. “It’s frequently the lunatics that will find it appealing for a close-range beat-down… if they don’t gloriously explode in the process”
“Something like… the primordials would take because they’ll come back to life if they’re not concerned about being destroyed over and over again?” Lucas innocently asked.
That caused Xerneas to cough, as she was in the loop on what a Charger was… and what it could do for those that were… crazy enough. “Alright, I get that a mech that is the embodiment of charging at your enemy with no self-preservation whatsoever is something that I might’ve considered in the past, but please I suggest not mentioning it again. I’m not going to blindly charge with my powers for quite a long time”
“Don’t worry, mom. I know you won’t” Ruby smiled.
Meanwhile, Mewtwo, Amy and Kai were observing the new construct armor that was assembled at the middle of the room. The legendary felt little uncomfortable, as small portions of the previous genesect battle armor were copied from one design to the one in front of him. However, he also saw the many differences compared between the sets.
First of them was that the construct armor, which had a different aesthetic altogether and more aligned with the one of Amy, covered all of his body, providing him full protection against any incoming attacks that in the previous set would’ve reached the exposed sides of his torso, plus neck and rear. The second was that, unlike what the Father forced him into, this was under his direct control and part of a separate network that only those like he and the lopunny could access to for sharing or coordination, depending on the situation. The third was the armament, which was focused in energy weapons that didn’t have to rely on elemental powers unlike its previous iteration. And lastly… the custom core.
Claude explained that, given Mewtwo’s dual status between being a full legendary in Lahgenias and a regular pokemon everywhere else as his powers decrease, instead of just a joltik-size fusion reactor to handle many of the components, it was decided to use his very powers as an energy source in conjunction with the former. With Katrina, Henry and even the assistance of Xerneas and, notionally, Palgius, a model was designed and proven to work.
The key important thing the mightyena pointed out was that as long as he was “connected” to Lahgenias, Mewtwo would be able to power the construct armor himself, even allowing a portion to be stored in a specialized battery. When it came to be in other places of the world, as it was most likely what he would spend his time the moment his people and family were not looking at him, then the small fusion reactor would replace the legendary cable, plus whatever he saved.
“What about the weapons?” Kai asked.
“Energy-based. A pair of personal Small Pulse Lasers is his main offensive weapon” Zippy climbed onto the armor, pointing at the ‘boxes with tubes’ at each arm. “There’s also a targeting processer at the area between his neck and the flesh tube connecting his head and spine that will allow him to lock on enemy units with ease”
“And any psychic-related attacks he can perform normally through the suit?” Alex asked. “That might be his last card if his armor gets torn to pieces and most of its capabilities destroyed”
“Well, this construct armor is carrying experimental elemental devices to allow him to use his psychic abilities, but under some limitations” Claude showed a monitor with the information. “With his carcass draining a good portion of his energy, enhancers would be taking place of the legendary stuff… and he’ll have to be more precise with his aiming”
“Also he’ll use jump jets as we don’t have a reliable anti-gravity device that can fully imitate his ability to float around” Henry added.
“What about those wing things Amy uses?” Mewtwo remembered how she flawlessly ‘flew and floated’ around with them without ever needing telekinesis for herself.
“I opted against it for now” the lopunny admitted. “I already have my sensation with ‘flying’ using certain devices. However, since you’ve been relying heavily on your telekinesis to float around, the concept of having anything else than your powers do it for you outside of riding big flyers will make you hit the ground too many times for me to believe I’ll have to sit outside the Mountain of Resurrection to wait for you”
“Hey” the legendary pouted.
“I would say some common pokemon have been waiting for some legendaries to come back to life in the past more often than not” Xerneas told them. “There have been cases of recklessness among us when you have the blessing of returning to the world to do so without care”
“I have the feeling that they were more than willing to erase those portions of history from any records” Zack commented.
“As we all of us are in the same page when it comes to things never reaching people’s knowledge, I might be able to share some interesting tales I caught wind during the time Lahgenias was not a forest fire”
Returning to the main point, Noreen stated that for the time being, and for all of the gadgets and upgrades to operate a full efficiency, Mewtwo would need to be near Amy so they could coordinate among themselves to put the construct program to the true test: fight as a squad. Since the legendary was still in a huge need of experience, the lopunny remained as his overall commander.
“To think I have to still follow orders from her when no one else is looking from the corners” Mewtwo sighed.
“I don’t hear you hating it as much” Alex smiled. “More like you’re relieved that she’s good enough to not drive you crazy”
“Or that she gives you a safe space to not worry about anyone annoying you” Henry commented.
“Okay, I get it. She takes me off from all the legendary nonsense and is a good companion” he rolled his eyes. “Don’t rub it off”
“Anyways…” Amy shrugged as she looked at the engineers. “Let’s test that construct armor. Matt, this is not going to be like the last time. Now you control this walking piece of metal”
“Hah… hard to believe I’m getting into a new design based on that damned prison” Mewtwo then eyed Kai. “The thing you said also applies to this? About…”
“You’re my responsibility from the moment you enter wolf operations until you return to your daily life” the braixen nodded. “So any incident that happens to you which results in PTSD goes on me”
“The only thing that is for certain is that Kai hates paying extra bills for cleaning costs” Drake crossed his arms with a grin. “So doing things right the first time or in very few attempts is his talent”
Alex, for his part, decided to ask something to Mewtwo directly. “And what about you? Do you trust him in the same way you trust Amy?”
There was a moment of silence before the legendary could say anything. However, the more he thought about it, the clearer the answer was. After all, the braixen indeed took the lead to rescue him even if it was just the Corrupted’s responsibility and fought every powerful creature sent against him from every direction in order to deny him the objective. If that wasn’t proof enough that Mewtwo was part of the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Alpha deserved trust, then what else could be?
With a sigh, Mewtwo nodded to Alex. “I choose to believe in him”
The lucario smiled ant eyed the braixen. “You really are a wolf. You honor your promises”
“But they’re heavily tested, especially by the nations of the Wolf Agreement” Kai knew the ‘political’ battle was far from over.
“That’s the funny part about agreements. You always need to balance interests” Amy shrugged as she picked the helmet and the assembly bay, which was a circle with many robotic arms and pieces nearby to begin the process, was ready to put the construct armor to its new owner. “Well then. Matt? Time to get upgraded”
With a sigh, Mewtwo stepped into the assembly bay and got his arms, legs and tail locked in place. The circle then rose up a bit with the usual mechanical noise as the robotic arms came to life and began picking pieces in order and placed them on him. The only good thing about the whole thing was that instead of being pierced again by needles and whatnot, the sounds of screwdrivers and electrical discharges applied to each component of the new armor was the only one getting that treatment, but it was still weird for him to get far more protection than the genesect battle armor.
But before he could walk again with the new armor, Amy stepped forward and carefully placed the last component, the helmet, onto his head, which proceeded to seal the legendary’s body completely as if it was the tangible version of his psychic shield. And then…
“REACTOR ONLINE, SENSORS ONLINE, WEAPONS ONLINE, ALL SYSTEMS NOMINAL” a robotic voice similar to the one he heard constantly in his battlemech of practice always told him whenever he booted the war machine up.
“What in the…” Mewtwo murmured as in the front of his visor appeared what it was essentially a HUD with all the data he needed to be aware of from his surroundings, including things like a motion tracker and targeting devices. He then noticed the locks being released, making a solid thud sound with his armored boots.
“How does it feel?” Amy crossed her arms as he was getting accustomed to the sensation.
“It’s like… It’s like even if I can’t read minds… I’m just as aware of what’s happening around me” the legendary then tried to walk a little, which each step resounding across the room. “It’s also light somehow”
“That’s because through your suit, the nanomachines are interacting with the armor, increasing your muscular strength” the lopunny explained and then pointed at a wall that was opening up, revealing some objects that were about his height at a small training room. “Try to punch one of the static targets with the armor. You don’t need to charge any move, just close your hand in a fist and launch it”
Mewtwo was a little skeptical. After all, physical strength was one of the few things he’d admit he was ill suited to even attempt, believing that his arms would snap as twigs without legendary psychic power. Nevertheless, he approached to one of the targets, prepared his fist and launched it. A massive crack could be heard and seen, turning the object into fragments in a single punch and scattering them across the floor. Mores surprisingly, he didn’t register any pain, even though he felt a little the pushback.
“Did I…” he looked at his hand for a bit and turned to Amy. “That’s the strength you were using against Mewthree?”
“That’s the basic strength” she then demonstrated it by pulling another one herself and lifting it effortlessly with a single hand as if it was made of Styrofoam.
The legendary looked dumbfounded. “H-Huh!? But you’re not mega…! And that is supposed to be…!”
“Catch” the lopunny tossed the target practice onto him.
Mewtwo barely had time to react, but surprisingly for him, even with a single hand he was able to grab and hold it like it was an oversized stick with not much weight going on. “You got to be kidding me… I can just grab things with my own hands like it’s nothing?”
“Like I said, the nanomachines are reinforcing your muscles to allow you to do some of the things otherwise you would’ve relied on your telekinesis” she grinned. “Still thinking that the procedures you endured was just to poke you to see if you’re still terrified of needles?”
From the sidelines, Drake, Alex and Kai were watching in silence. The darkrai in particular was noticing that old juvenile spark coming from Mewtwo once his fears were past him and now he was going into uncharted territory with a little more confidence… but with a little less recklessness and arrogance that would’ve been earned a lot of rolling eyes and talks behind his back if they were far enough from his mind-reading range.
“Seems like a mix of the better past with a promising future” the lucario commented.
“If only it was that simple…” the darkrai sighed. “Even so… I just hope that the same advantages given to Amy can help him as well… and allow them to work as a team”
“It depends if they have enough time to practice it” the braixen frowned. “They probably won’t have much time to get anything complex done”
“You managed to dominate the battlemechs when they were first introduced during the Sigma crisis. If there’s someone that can teach new tricks to even legendaries, that might be you, guys” Drake commented.
“I wished I had the same optimism… but let’s not forget that Mewthree will be behind the Scientists and in the shadows of the fortress… and he’ll be waiting for us to step into his trap”
Sinnoh Change TF Story
Pokken Preparation: Duo PKMN TF
Before anyone asks, no, Mewtwo won't even say that he got a shot of nanomachines for Amy. That's mostly between them, plus Kai who now has the extra responsibility of making sure he doesn't go blowing his body off for subsequent shots.
You can say this is the drawback of primordial legendaries when it comes of giving them some enhancements: if they get destroyed, the whole process starts again.
Story / Drake, Cella, Mewtwo and Xerneas belong to PokemonLegendsWar
Pokemon belongs to Nintendo
Personal characters belong to me