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Karla's art reference



Yup, she's your persona wild card user
Image size
1094x810px 237.05 KB
Date Taken
Mar 15, 2023, 4:46:30 PM
© 2023 - 2024 Spartan-771
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PCX-Art's avatar

So I'm currently playing Persona 5 Strikers (Good, if not slightly flawed game... abit I am playing the least optimized (Switch) version of the game) and I got an idea I wanted to run by you (for long term)

When Hackercat gets her "coruopson" problem dealt with and full access to her powers, one of those powers is the abillaty to create a temporary digacol eco of her conciseness that can interact with cyberspace like a porygon. So I had the random idea "what if, if this eco was in a device that entered the cognative world, that it manifested a pysacol form like Sofia in P5S and subsequently unlocked a "persona" (functionally like a mix of Futaba and Sofia, but with Elic powers / Resistances instead of Bless) that Karla could occasionally call upon.

IDK I thought it was a fun idea I'd throw your way cos it's been sitting in my head rent free for the last few days