Commission: Victory of EaglesSpartan-029 on DeviantArt

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Spartan-029's avatar

Commission: Victory of Eagles



Was requested to illustrate a specific moment from the Temeraire novels (which I HIGHLY recommend) Thank you very much to my client for the tremendous amounts of patience exhibited as i've hardly had time to work on this all semester until recently.  =D
Image size
3300x2135px 2.37 MB
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Nanonova1168's avatar
I have read VoE and I can say for certain that you've captured this perfectly. :)
The Temeraire series is a brilliant one and certainly deserves more art of it. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd love to see Temeraire in higher detail. :D
on a side note, how long did this take? The waves are quite detailed and if you look closely, there are tiny little men thrown overboard.
excelent art indeed!