Current Residence: Middle Earth
deviantWEAR sizing preference: smallish i guess XD
Favourite genre of music: A bit of everything, NOT RAP :P
Favourite photographer: That guy on DA who takes all those cute pictures of rodents and kittens with pink backgrounds
Favourite style of art: Pincel drawing and computer art
Operating System: What the?
MP3 player of choice: ipod!
Shell of choice: Giant Clam
Wallpaper of choice: Bitey Castle theme, And thats what I'm doing at the moment
Skin of choice: Ummm, what i have now :D
Favourite cartoon character: danny phantom, black hayate, aku, kiba, Ed and Al FMA, Kon
Personal Quote: Money can't buy you love but it shor dose help :D
Favourite Visual Artist
Not-Quite-Normal, Neon Dragon Art, Adam Philips!
Favourite Movies
Serinity, Lion King, Horton hears a Who, V for Vendetta <-- love that one
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Muse, Kean and alot of others that i can't thing about right now
Favourite Writers
J.K. Rowling, Paul Jeanings, Eain Colfer
Favourite Games
lion king game PC, zoo tycoon, lazer tag, paint gun fighting, murder in the dark
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Wacom, and pencils!
Other Interests
Art, Drawing, Animals, Movies, Riding Animals, Fursuting