January 2012 EMTC! + 22 Entries! + 1 DAYS LEFT!!

24 min read

Deviation Actions

SparklyDest's avatar

:eager: Two legs attached, only four more to go!  There will be pictures before this day is over. :nod: And we are only 3 away from my 25 mark. :eyes: :eager:

New prize added!  A few points...and a small plushie! :happybounce: And...if we can manage 25 ENTRIES this month....I might be tempted to offer yarn creations for future contests as well. :eyes:


I admit, the EMTC hasn't been getting a lot of love from me lately.  Real life interceding, and all the stress and craziness of the holidays. :faint: But, with the start of the new year, things will slow down and there will be "time" :eyes: to do more things.  Hopefully. :shifty: This is suppose to be the last year and all. :cough: Anyways, I decided this would be a good theme for the new year.  Perhaps your emote finally has time to focus on some of its hobbies....or it is obsessed with clocks.  Maybe it has run out of time? :shrug: The theme is pretty open to interpretation, you need only mention how time ties in to your entry. :flirty:

Theme suggested by KinnisonArc. :D



:bulletred: Only new submissions for this.  The emote must be submitted after the theme has been announced.

:bulletred: You can enter as many times as you want.

:bulletred: Please include a brief explanation to the theme, if it isn't already completely obvious in the deviation.

:bulletred: Please submit your piece in the form of a .png or a .gif.   

:bulletred: The piece must include an emoticon of some sort.  Kinda the point, really. ;)

:bulletred: Collaborations are accepted, with the prize being split between the artists should it place.

:bulletred: Note  your contest entry to SparklyDest, or leave a comment on this journal.

:bulletred: Deadline January 30th, 2012, midnight EST


:new::bulletgreen: A FREE HEXAPUS MAILED TO YOUR DOOR! by SparklyDest (actual hexapus look pending :shifty:)
:bulletgreen: An OC expression meme/vector/or plushie by greenafire
:bulletgreen: A 3 month sub/points equivalent by SparklyDest
:bulletgreen: 20 points by Ridley126 :points:
:bulletgreen: Feature in Custom Box by SparklyDest
:bulletgreen: A Winner Custom Box feature by Oktanas
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by SparklyDest
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Krissi001
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by HsssN
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Mirz123
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Kohaku0827
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Steph1254
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by ByPriorArrangement
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by SanguineEpitaph
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Katuend
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by EastSideSunsets
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by litecrush
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by TiaVon
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by D-Kiddo
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Kerubimu
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by greenafire

Honorable Mention
:bulletpurple: 1 month sub/points equivalent by SparklyDest
:bulletpurple: 10 points by Ridley126 :points:
:bulletpurple: Feature in Custom Box by SparklyDest
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by SparklyDest
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by HsssN
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Mirz123
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Kohaku0827
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Steph1254
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by ByPriorArrangement
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by SanguineEpitaph
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Katuend
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by EastSideSunsets
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by litecrush
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by TiaVon
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by D-Kiddo
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Kerubimu
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by greenafire

Close Contenders
:bulletyellow: Feature in Custom Box by SparklyDest
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by SparklyDest
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by HsssN
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Mirz123
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Kohaku0827
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Steph1254
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by ByPriorArrangement
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by SanguineEpitaph
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Katuend
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by EastSideSunsets
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by litecrush
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by TiaVon
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by D-Kiddo
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Kerubimu
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by greenafire

**Winners are welcome to donate their prizes to others if they so wish. :D **

Prizes donations are extremely welcomed here. :D Anyone else who offered prizes for the entire time, please remind me and I will try to keep track of it so you don't have to tell me each month. :D


1. :TARDISlove: by stuck-in-suburbia by stuck-in-suburbia

2. Time Zones by pixiepot by pixiepot

3. :thetimewithoutyou by Gomotes by Gomotes

4. EMTC: Time - Peter Pan by kayleero by kayleero

5. EMTC - Time by Ricsmond by Ricsmond

6. Grandfather-clock by Blobzy by Blobzy

7. Clock Collector by Snowshi by Snowshi

8. time by Krissi001 by Krissi001

9. Pocket Watch Emote by EternalxRequiem by EternalxRequiem

10. Woops by AshdaWolfie by AshdaWolfie

11. :thumb281062963: by dhik-a

12. Listen here time.. by Twoohten by Twoohten

13. :clockhang: by IceXDragon by IceXDragon

14. Time Machine- Contest Entry by greenafire by greenafire & Nice-Spice

15. Time Machine Contest Entry Collab by Nice-Spice by Nice-Spice & greenafire

16. :thumb281640353: by Nee-to

17. Week 3: 15-21 Jan 2012 by happy-gurl by happy-gurl

18. EMTC January 2012 by happy-gurl by happy-gurl

19. :thumb281805438: by riccassley

20. Frozen in Time by icefire8521 by icefire8521

Non-Competing Entries:

1. :thumb281982805: by Mirz123

2. :thumb279401617: by Mirz123

Previous Emoticon Monthly Themed Contest Winners

Emote Support

Plain Text EMTC Support Stamp by SparklyDest
Emoticonists Support Stamp by Phlum Support All Emoticonist edt12 by mintyy
Emote stamp by Synfull :thumb91756255: :thumb57287647: Emotes stamp by Droneguard
Flat emotes by Droneguard I support my friends stamp by Synfull Nomnom attack stamp animated by Sinister-Starfeesh The Deadly Thrusty Virus by koffeeben
Emotes Rule by Abfc WeEmote by de-Mote :thumb175407331: :thumb245261711:
Member of the Community Stamp by PokeartKid

Contest Entries that Received DD's :love: (15)

:squee: So many of the entries now! :squee:

Sand pirates - EMTC contest by JulienPradet:bulletblue::thumb155438562::bulletblue::thumb154167749::bulletblue: Music-vs-Reading by spring-sky
:thumb171411890::bulletblue: My new pet by Colorcatcher:bulletblue: Autumn by LedMaiden
World Toilet Day by SanguineEpitaph:bulletblue: AAAH, A SPIDER D: D: D: by KimRaiFan:bulletblue: Broken Mirror by yarjor
Fishing by pjuk:bulletblue: Miniature painting by Twoohten:bulletblue::thumb215829360:
At the beach by horber95:bulletblue: The Academote Awards 2011 by pjuk:bulletblue::thumb259318138:
October EMTC Entry by otohime0394

© 2012 - 2025 SparklyDest
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MerelyCubed's avatar
I think I'm going to make it in time :phew:
I had to shorten my story a lot but it still is looping well me thinks. I have 840+ frames :faint:
I just have to make the last bit now :eager: