April 2011 EMTC Winners!

14 min read

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SparklyDest's avatar

Wow, this one was tough to judge!  I wish I had more moneys, guys, I would have had a multiple tie for second place! :giggle: Congrats on the winners!


:bulletred: :spotlight-left: FIRST PLACE :spotlight-right: :bulletred:

Emote Wars Reloaded by madb0y
by madb0y

:bulletblue: :winner: Honorable Mentions :winner: :bulletblue:

Hobbies EMTC by xxghost250xx
by xxghost250xx

:bulletpink: Close Contenders :bulletpink:

Little Artist by horber95 creating emotes hobby by Krissi001 Fishing by pjuk
watching the Moon by horber95 Reading Transports You by SanguineEpitaph

To see all the entries, just click here.

And just a reminder, the winner and honorable mention will be judges for next month's challenge, and unable to enter the contest.  Well, unable to win at least. :D


Since I can never remember what I offered to what contest, I figured I would include all the amazing prizes here so those of you who offered something don't have to search and see what you may have decided to give.  Thank you to all of those who offered prizes, I am sure it helped make this such a success. :nod:

:bulletgreen: A 3 month sub/points equivalent by SparklyDest
:bulletgreen: 400 points by Krissi001 :points:
:bulletgreen: Feature in Custom Box by SparklyDest
:bulletgreen: A 1 month Custom Box feature by Chrysshart
:bulletgreen: A Winner Custom Box feature by Oktanas
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by SparklyDest
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Krissi001
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by JulienPradet
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by HsssN
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Mirz123
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Kohaku0827
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Steph1254
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by dhik-a
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by wisekidk
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by ByPriorArrangement
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by SanguineEpitaph
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by Katuend
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by litecrush
:bulletgreen: A journal feature by xxCodetta

Honorable Mention
:bulletpurple: 1 month sub/points equivalent by SparklyDest
:bulletpurple: 200 points by Krissi001 :points:
:bulletpurple: Feature in Custom Box by SparklyDest
:bulletpurple: A 1 month Custom Box feature by Chrysshart
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by SparklyDest
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by HsssN
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Mirz123
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Kohaku0827
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Steph1254
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by dhik-a
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by wisekidk
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by ByPriorArrangement
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by SanguineEpitaph
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by Katuend
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by litecrush
:bulletpurple: A journal feature by xxCodetta

Close Contenders
:bulletyellow: 100 points by Krissi001 (to be shared :D) :points:
:bulletyellow: Feature in Custom Box by SparklyDest
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by SparklyDest
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by HsssN
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Mirz123
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Kohaku0827
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Steph1254
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by dhik-a
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by wisekidk
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by ByPriorArrangement
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by SanguineEpitaph
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by Katuend
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by litecrush
:bulletyellow: A journal feature by xxCodetta

Emote Support

Support All Emoticonist edt12 by mintyy
Emote stamp by Synfull :thumb91756255: :thumb57287647: Emotes stamp by Droneguard
Flat emotes by Droneguard I support my friends stamp by Synfull Nomnom attack stamp animated by Sinister-Starfeesh The Deadly Thrusty Virus by koffeeben
Emotes Rule by Abfc WeEmote by de-Mote :thumb175407331:

© 2011 - 2025 SparklyDest
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ALINAFMdotRO's avatar
Congratz everyone!!! Amazing entries! :)