:pumpkinglompage:SparklyDest on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sparklydest/art/pumpkinglompage-85319407SparklyDest

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SparklyDest's avatar




I revisited my pumpkin glomp, reversing who is glomping and using the shiner coloring for the emote. I had to go over this animation three times. :faint: Just when I thought I had it, I would watch it fives times and shake my head. I am still not sure it is perfect, but that is because my computer makes it run wonky on dA or something. It looks so much smoother in my animation program. :p So, this is pumpkinglomp. It is the right size to be made into a plz account, but I doubt I will do it. If you just LOVE it, knock yourself out. :D

I'm a dork and made it an account. :iconpumpkinglomp: = : iconpumpkinglomp :
Image size
50x50px 10.81 KB
© 2008 - 2025 SparklyDest
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Kyle-Lefort's avatar
Someone used this in a comment about a batch of miniature pumpkins that I made.

I thought it was so cute.
I had to track the creator down, so that I could tell you how much I liked it. :)