Valis:the Fantasm soldierSparkletteMachina on DeviantArt

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Valis:the Fantasm soldier


Description is some nostalgia from my youth. Does anybody remember this game series, Valis? I played the fourth one on the super nintendo (wow..I was like 13..14...yeah i'm old ^^;;) I was watching a playthrough on you tube by user valis 77, & I felt to draw a fanart to give to him (I think of which I yet to do, but I forgot..& I'm trying to finish some other fanarts I said I'd do first ^^;;; I like how life is always getting in the way of me doing anything important :P).

I kinda half drew this & then put this away fior a while..but something pulled me back & I actually finished this one..more or less. Well the sword I had a b*tch of a time with, I even caved in & pulled out the almighty ruler on this one. But erasing so much only did so much for this drawing, & the fingers needed so changing, so as you can see (or probably can't see), the paper is kinda shredded up over by here fingers....^^;;;; I'm just DAMN sorry~~~ forgive me ^^;;;

I was gonna draw Valna, but I lazyed out on that. Whatever ^^;; maybe I'll go back to it later. I didn't use photoshop to neaten up the pic, 'cause it's not installed on the pc I'm using right now, so I hope you like it as is. I figured the red lead will give some integrity :).

On youtube, I keep playing the track"castle vanity" over & over again. Good game soundtrack :)

Game soundtracks! Yeah! Listening to game soundtracks heals my inner nerd :)!
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IcemanIsOmegaLevel's avatar
i always love your style of art