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SparklePipsi's avatar

Drill Curl Tutorial



Yay, I put together a new tutorial o/! This is another thing I get asked about a lot, DEM DRILL CURLS!! I originally got the inspiration for this method from a japanese cosplay blog, but all the instructions are in japanese so when I refer people to it there still tends to be a lot of confusion... =w=;; I also modified the method a bit to work for a parted ponytail wig + larger curls, so the process is a little bit different ~ also, this one is written in english. Yay!

Cheers to all you aspiring Mami / misc drill curled divas out there, I hope this helps!! Feel free to comment below or message me if you have further questions :D

Edit: I noticed the new PDF reader on DA is a little wonky ... I did update the fonts in the pdf so they look a little nicer than they did before, but this pdf looks best if you download it and read it in adobe reader/acrobat. | facebook
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Leaf-nin's avatar
This is a really really good idea. I've been looking for ideas on how to do gravity-defying chinese hair loops!