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This guy's backstory is just beautiful. If you play LoE, I highly encourage you to go to Cloudopolis and do this guy's quest so you can read his amazing and tragic tale. And if that's not enough motivation, you also get EXP and a Lantern xD
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2000x1500px 1.65 MB
© 2017 - 2024 SparkleChord
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Hi SparkleChord! Love your picture of the Aviator! I actually have a favor to ask...I decided to write a Legends of Equestria short story featuring the Ancient Aviator as the main character, and I was wondering: Could I please use your drawing as the cover photo for the story on FimFiction? I would obviously make sure to give you full credit in the title blurb; if you want to read the short story before saying yes or no, just let me know.
Thanks for your consideration -- keep up the good work!