OC Interview (Pt 1)

2 min read

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Spagoogi's avatar
Tagged By halolocke
YADA Character YADA No lying YOU KNOW
I'm using Timaru, my blue cat with dem legs.
1- Whats your real name and nick name?
My name is Timaru Wayne, but it's easier to just refer to me as Tim.... If you're okay with that..
2- Current age?
3- Favorite ability/weapon?
I'm no fighter, b-but I've been told my legs are  strong enough to rival a horse kick... If that's any help.
4- Any weapons,abilities,or features that you rival in another Angel?
Reword that, it's too confusing!
5- Do you wish you could ever shapeshift?
I'm fine being the kitty I am.
6- Have you ever kissed yet?
7- What does it feel like to fly?
Worrying, I don't want to die in a plane or from falling...
8- Biggest Fear?
Being stripped of everything I have and being abandoned, to be left alon- I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about it anymore...
9- Any siblings?
10- Who's your real hero?
Bob Ross, he gets me through the hard times with his positive and caring voice.
11- Who's your worst enemy?
I don't have one, I just make friends!
12- Best friend?
An alien named Jin that I met on the roof of Antique Peek! He's so chill and welcoming, even if he is sardonic at times!
13- If you could only kiss one person in your life,who would it be?
(To Be Continued in Part 2 which I will make shortly after I post this first part)
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