'A_one, are you?' Creepypasta
:iconFawfuls-Minion:> Hello there, guys. It's me. I bring you...something different. I got the idea to write this story(creepypasta) after a terrible nightmare I had early in the month. I hope you enjoy. Have you ever experienced an irrational episode of your life? One that forever left you wondering if all of it actually, well...changed anything? I have my own story of this type to share. After all, who doesn't like a story? ...he sure does. This began on a day much like any other I've had before. It was a rainy Friday afternoon, and I was relaxing within my eerily secluded suburban residence. It was like your ordinary small town house. E...
79 deviations
'A_one, are you?' Creepypasta
:iconFawfuls-Minion:> Hello there, guys. It's me. I bring you...something different. I got the idea to write this story(creepypasta) after a terrible nightmare I had early in the month. I hope you enjoy. Have you ever experienced an irrational episode of your life? One that forever left you wondering if all of it actually, well...changed anything? I have my own story of this type to share. After all, who doesn't like a story? ...he sure does. This began on a day much like any other I've had before. It was a rainy Friday afternoon, and I was relaxing within my eerily secluded suburban residence. It was like your ordinary small town house. E...
48 deviations

1 deviation

Mem e
22 deviations

C o l o :U r ,sometimes
14 deviations

Randomly stumbled upon
12 deviations

Funny art from random artists
8 deviations

Tutorial from the Tutorial Guys
6 deviations

Spreading Awareness of Art Challenges n givaways
2 deviations

Cool Art From Random Artists You Should Favorite
15 deviations