spacenoob's avatar


Chris Schultz
0 Watchers3 Deviations
Artist // Design & Interfaces
  • United States
  • Deviant for 21 years
  • He / Him
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio
Current Residence: Southern California (Orange County)
Favourite genre of music: oldies, techno, j-pop, rock, etc
Favourite photographer: My dad ^.^
Favourite style of art: Chibi anime
Operating System: Windows XP
MP3 player of choice: iTunes
Favourite cartoon character: Space Ghost, Invader Zim, Stewie

Favourite Movies
matrix, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, etc
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
muse, robyn, etc
Favourite Games
World of Warcraft / Counter-Strike
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Wii
Other Interests
Website designing, Photoshop editing, Messing around in Flash and Illustrator.


0 min read
Finally! Done with school. Now I can focus more on leveling my new Draenei priest to 70! (and I guess I can work on my deviants more, too ;) I'd appreciate any feedback you can give me for the "Schultz Bros. Photography" website interface I uploaded. Thanks! - space
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Wow it's been almost five years since I created my deviant account and I still haven't uploading ANYTHING! Well, ok, I lied... I uploaded a few "scraps" from drawings I made using the "Graffiti" application on I'm hoping to begin tampering with flash animation. I've only used flash for its web design capabilities, and I dont even know where to begin with drawing! Let me know if you have any tips for me! - space Oh, btw, i'm "distressed" because it's finals week O_O
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Im new ^.^

0 min read
Hello Everybody!  (as in the few who actually visit my deviant page) I've been trying to customize my deviant workplace, and I can't seem to get my deviant icon to work  -_- But no worries !  I should figure it out soon.  Once i get all cozy here, i'll start uploading more of my stuff ^.^ ~spacenoob
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Profile Comments 3

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I like the wall papaer, very much.