Hi. I'm a castaway from another planet, where people are made of watercolor paint.
Currently, I'm looking for my lost spaceship. In the meanwhile, I dwell in stories, spoken, sung, written and illustrated.
“If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint", then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” - Vincent van Gogh
“If you have a story that seems worth telling, and you think you can tell it worthily, then the thing for you to do is to tell it [...]” - Dashiell Hammett
“Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot.” - Neil Gaiman
“That's pretty much the rule for any art - that it starts from a point of view, that the person who creates the art has reference points, has influences, has inspirations, you borrow from all these things. And if your personality is strong enough, whatever you borrow - beg, borrow or steal - will still sound like you.” - Steven Wilson
“[...] when you do this work it’s like an apprenticeship. You have a love for the work of music as something that drives you, but then there’s no one to teach you how to find your own unique potential.” - Lisa Gerrard
“Talent is a spooky thing, and it has a way of announcing itself quietly, but firmly when the right time comes. Like certain addictive drugs, talent comes as a friend, long before you realize it is a tyrant.” - Stephen King
“Writing is easy; all you have to do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead.” – Gene Fowler
“If you don't believe in magic on some level, your art probably sucks. You have to believe in some kind of magic - I don't mean if it's God, or- Whatever you're into - if you're not inspired by, if your heart isn't lifted by some supernatural thing that you've witnessed or you believe in, real or not - you're probably focusing on your looks, your money, something you're focusing on that has no heart.” – Maynard James Keenan
“[...] I would say being able to stay present in the work is probably the most important part of it.” – Rick Rubin
“[...] it always feels uncomfortable if you’re doing it right.” – Trent Reznor
“You shouldn't trust the storyteller; only trust the story.”
The beginning (flight from Sigelia, escape from Ephelorn)
More about the investigation in Duinegal (stuff from Taveni's round)
Pick up from where Shav's round ended (lots of context required)
Thank you for the diamond
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You're welcome as always
Thanks for the fav! 💙
You're most welcome
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