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Deviation Actions
Happy December 25th Lords and Ladies! Its been another year and I wanted to thank everyone for their love and support with favs, comments, and commissions (even if those are mostly tied up lol)
Its been a tough one with the law suit now 1.5 years in the making and health issues with family members, work struggles and depression/anxiety I never had to deal with before...
But I hope that 2025 will bring more friends, more art and even a more refined skill to my posts, and I hope that 2025 will be a great year for you as well! Merry Christmas all, and to all a good night!
Court Update- Minor victory
So we are over one year since the scam artist mother and son team sued my parents trying to steal their home after a failed sale. Son failed to quality for the loan he entered contract in and then canceled escrow YET they tried to extort $200,000 in damages from my parents.
Fast forward to today, we are ending the discovery phase and the judge struck down the scam artist's motion to compel crying for an extra $16,000 in fees. Scam mom and son are now forced to answer our questions on the case and the scam mom (attorney) is pissed.
Once this is over we will attempt to dismiss the case and countersue the sh*t out of them for fraud, threats, extortion and emotional damages.
Please have my family in your prayers that good will defeat evil and help support my folks now $35,000 in legal debt with the Gofundme God bless!
Court Case update
Hello everyone! Sorry I've been quiet lately, but as the news gets worse I'm falling into a depression and have no real urge to draw atm... But and update for you, the evil attorney who is suing us keeps asking for more money, now she wants the condo for free claiming $400,000 in damages because of the failed sale. She knows she cant win but wants to get us to spend as much money possible fighting this, and its really costing my parents their health and finances. Although I try to help when I can, I really need your help on this one, please consider donating a few bucks, we are already $25,000 in debt and our attorney thinks it could reach 6 figures before it even sees court. With you're help we can win this, thank you!
Follow me on Twitch!
Show me some love over on Twitch! I'll try to get a regular schedule going, with some art streams and possibly games, but if you would follow me it would greatly help my self esteem ... I mean connect with friends =)
Thank you so much!
Court case update
Hello friends, I wish I had better news on this, but it looks like the demurer was mostly a failure. Of the 5 claims we only got 2 dismissed, and the judge left room for the evil attorney to modify her plea which of course she did. Now it looks like we have to have this hanging over our heads for at least a year until we can reach court.
My parents are both on social security and make less than $2000 a month combined, I try to tell them when I can but this lawsuit is taking its toll. I will try to open up commissions again soon but in the mean time, if you can help the cause or just share this to someone else who may, you are really helping out our family. Thank you and God bless
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