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The Heavy Metal Supper



The original "supper: was made back in 2010 for a rock bar in my hometown. This is a newer version. Lemmy (RIP) got wings since he went to meet Dio (RIP), so I had to modify the illustration a little.
I rarely do caricatures nowdays, but this illustration remains my favorite.

From left to right: Dee Snider,Bruce Dickinson, Lemmy Killmister, Jon Oliva, Rob Halford, Dio, Ozzy Ozborn, James Hetfield, Dave Mustaine, Phil Anselmo, Tom Arya, Zack De La Rocha, Max Cavalera

They were my favorite performers at that time. If I were to remake the "supper", I'd only replace Anselmo beacause of the bullshit he did last winter.
Anyway, what was painted, was painted.

Hava fun and Rock'n Roll.
Image size
700x299px 113.88 KB
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