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Good Vs. Evil: Stencils



I've been meaning to post this small project of mine since...Halloween. I've been incredibly busy.

So anyways, back around Halloween, I was discussing entering a pumpkin carving contest with my son at the local mall. He wanted something with the Transformers on it, but we couldn't really find anything in stores that he would, at ten years old, be able to do with a knife and a pumpkin. So, I decided to create a stencil set for him myself instead. I figured a general good versus evil set up would be good for a pumpkin for his age group, and drew out the two symbols as stencils, drawing them so that no pieces would fall out of the middle of his jack-o-lantern when he carved it, and this stencil set was the result. Now I am submitting it here, so that others may be able to use it, for carving, costuming, airbrushing, or other general purposes. :) After I had drawn them out and got them how I wanted them, I just printed the page of stencils onto a sheet of thick cardstock, cut out the black shaded areas with my craft knife (you can use scissors) and ta-da, autobot and decepticon symbol stencils!
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792x390px 89.94 KB
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