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(DL SFM/GMOD) Film Flick V.2.0




Q:Can I use Flickie for X thingy?
A: YES! You are allowed to use her in any sort of content you wish, just make sure to make me know, I'd like to see what you do with her!
Q:Will there be an updated version?
A: Not for now, so far there's nothing much that should be updated.

Alright people, here it is, a fixed Film Flick model for all your rabbit filmmaker needs.

The most important thing is: YOU NO LONGER NEED TO HAVE A SEPARATE MODEL FOR EACH! It works on both platforms

This however isn't a creation of mine, without the help of these five heros, It would have never been possible

:iconbeardeddoomguy: For making the first version of the model as a gift, seriously man, thank you so much for it.
:iconcobbaltco: For offering his help on fixing the model's problem with the clipping and adding the extra bodygroups
:iconcommanderjackshit: For getting everything in order so the model could be worked out.
:iconthedurkaart: For working on the original pants of the Hoodied fluttershy model
:iconpostal-code: For fixing the remaining problems, adding the new hair bodygroup, and testing the model at the same time.

Thank you guys, seriously, you are the best.
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