The DwellerSoundBluster on DeviantArt

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The Dweller

Character  Megatron


Just some old SG concept art I've had sitting on my hard drive for a while. Thought I might as well upload it!

Dwellers are massive worm-like creatures, said to have been created during the great cataclysm, they normally remain near Cybertron's core, however one attacked the mine Megatron and some of his friends were assigned to before he started the Decepticon Movement, drawn to the surface by the deep mine works, rich energon veins and vibrations.


This is based on a combination on the G1 Dweller and the Movie Drillers.

And to be honest I think Dweller is a much better name than Driller!

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 Shattered Glass is the transformers version of the classic Sci Fi mirror-verse trope, where the Decepticons are the good guys fighting against the evil Autobots.
Transformers & the character's shown belong to Hasbro/Takara, I just made up the fan design(s)
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Timoshauru5-VII's avatar

I'm a big fan of the Driller and the Dweller so seeing any art and stuff of them is well appreciated to me.

While I do agree that dweller is a cooler name, the driller is a simpler and more clear name.