soul-of-the-wild's avatar


Sarah Hart
7 Watchers64 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • Dec 30
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (4)
My Bio
Current Residence: England hemel... a place of doom
Favourite genre of music: anything apart from R'n'B
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: my iphone
Favourite cartoon character: I can't choose as many of the comic book favs have been turned to cartoon
Personal Quote: snuggle ninja

Favourite Movies
studio ghibli films
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
don't really have one
Favourite Games
Final fantasy 9
Favourite Gaming Platform
Playstation1&2 and Nintendo DS and Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
pencil, paper, fabric, beads
Other Interests
anything shiney ^^
That's right! I know it's shocking but I have posted my Amecon pictures >.< WOOT! So you'll see a few of the white rabbit as it was my fav costume of Amecon 2012, I am very proud of it and I hope people I've been boring with what I'm doing can now see the end result and realise why I was so excited about this cosplay! I'll be doing a zombotany shoot at some point! it was so hot the day I wore it, photo shoot was last thing on my mind ^^' so more pictures of full costume shall apear in the not too distant future! Amecon was great fun, I enjoyed every minute! I got some really lovely coments for both costumes and I loved chatting to people a
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so I thought I would update my journal as it seems fitting to do so. not a lot to update really.... started University which is eating my soul but is a neccessary evil it seems. Subsequently i now only have one job (a receptioist at a doctors surgery) not as fun as my old job but the hours are way better and it gives me weekends to go visit my boyfriend ^^. Those are really the only reportable differences in my life..... So what new DA stuff am I doing? well I have about 7 costumes running around &nbsp;my head at the moment, and I must thank all the people who ask me to do groups... i love doing groups but then I have all these costumes stacked
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0 min read
ok so i've been ill for a week now, had the flu which was not fun and took 4 days to get well enough to go back to work and now i have conjunctivitus which means no costume at london expo as i can't wear my contact lenses. hoping to put some stuff up soon, i've been doing a lot of card making recently and with two jobs there's not been much time for art work so far ^^' costumes have also taken a back seat with me just improving old costumes for this year. i've got a bit of fan art im finishing i'll post it up soon ^^ i hope everyone is well and to catch up with lots of people soon ^^ if anyones going to london expo saturday then i may see
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Profile Comments 30

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me indeed :) I haven't checked this in ages and have come back to see you have been rather busy ^^' As soon as Uni is over my page is going to be full of my adventures with worbla lol
Haha that's ok - look at my terrible track record of replying this!
Scott swears by that now!
Thanks for faving :heart:
Thank you for the watch and the fave on my Black Widow Handflower, Milady!

Have a great day!
Tadd (AKA Hawkwolf)
you're welcome. The stuff you make is just wonderful ^^
Thanks for the friend-ness ^_^