I have no life so I can write it ^^
Thanks for faving my random arts and stuff, but you guys could comment more sometimes.. I wont bite... hard....Special thanks to my wonderful girl: :iconstarlilly08: without you I can't even survive a day.
I appreciate my troll friends: :iconbednarowski::iconyorik-cz: you guys are best troll's I ever knew. Kepp it up! and draw more little horses so people can fap to it. ;):iconCzudakX: thanks for all the support man :) You are old and whining but I like you that way ;)
:icon123kennix: Thanks Kenny for being Kenny ^^ also my very first watcher
And the last but not worst :iconzu-shan: for all my wasted t...
Bo tylko ty jesteś taki gadatliwy Ja żyje ale nie deviantem, coś tam rysuje ale to night światła dziennego nie ujrzy. A co tam u pana mieczysława słychać?