Queen CadenceSoRinFaux on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sorinfaux/art/Queen-Cadence-632250210SoRinFaux

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Queen Cadence



One of the many OCs I created for the mlp fanfic comic that I'm doing.

Queen Cadence, In my fanfic, is the Queen of the Crystal Empire and the original founder.  After a few life times she decided to allow her descendants to rule.  During this time period she devoted to ensuring the Crystal Empire stay safe from those who operated outside the realm of that which most ponies could control.  She designed five fail-safes for the Crystal Empire, with herself at the core in order to protect the Empire as well as its subject.  Queen Cadence was assumed to be dead after her servants, from the time period to which she ruled the Empire, saw her seal herself away in the lower floors of the empire; unexplored by any means.  
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2160x3840px 2.62 MB
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