FREE GAZAsorceressmyr on DeviantArt

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In the name of God, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.

This is the New year Eve in Gaza.
While we were celebrating the changing year with radiating fireworks in night skies, their skies were also radiating from the bombs explotion that Zionists drop on the Palestinian homes.

Until now, more than 900 lives are taken, more than 5500 are seriously injured, and most of them are civilians, women, and little children. Yet they said it is OK to do massacre?

Why cannot this action also be categorized as terrorism?
And why no action has been taken to stop this?
Are so-called-JUSTICE only applicable to some people?


Stay strong, my brothers and sisters..
Fight till the your last breath!

To all muslims, let us pray..
May Allah the Greatest bless all Syuhadas that die there.. And may He give the Palestinian strength and patients.


One of my friend questioning me why I disabled viewer comment. I answer that I do have my reason beside flamer.
I think this is the best for all. If I open comment, I believe the talk, sooner or later, will include religion also, which I am sure it will lead to a ugly conversation, since it is a VERY sensitive matter. It'll always get ugly, always, and will keep you away from the main problem that I want to inform. That's why I decided not to let any comment. You could think me as close-minded, but better save than sorry.

Btw, feel free to download and spread this poster.
Thank you.
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© 2009 - 2025 sorceressmyr
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