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SoraWolf7's avatar

Lolita F-ASH-ion Bimbo Version


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So I got an idea stuck in my head thanks to a friend, and I had to draw it. (Granted I was done with this last month, but I wasn't feeling so hot around then.)

So it looks like someone's got Ash all dolled up again, only this time they've REALLY gone the whole nine yards, so to speak. The frilly pink dress, matching accessories, elaborate hoop skirt, high heels, and the HAIR! Lord the hair, look at it all! I'd bet Ashley can barely walk in all that, not to mention the new balance of her new hips and bust! Heck, she probably can't even talk with kissers that thick! Well... at least it's fun to watch.

Standard Version here:

Mature Content

Lolita F-ASH-ion by SoraWolf7

:iconbioyugi: wrote me a birthday fic based on this! Check it out! Ash's Psychic Onslaught
"I can't… how did we lose so badly?" Ash fell down on his knees in shame. His opponent had even let him use an extra Pokemon, and the experienced trainer still had lost by a landslide.
"You didn't have a single way to counter my psychic team?" his opponent questioned. "My Jynx alone took out half of your team." The slightly older boy sighed and shook his head. "I thought I'd heard you were an experienced trainer but your team was underwhelming. How did you even get this far with such a rookie setup?"
"Hey! You don't have to rub it in. Jeez, I know it was a big loss." Ash grumbled as he pulled himself to his feet. "Fine I guess you get your reward money for beating me." The black-haired boy reached into his pocket to find his cash, only to be stopped in his tracks. A strange hue surrounded his body as he dug into his pants, preventing him from moving a single inch.
"Wh-what the, h-hey!" Ash could barely move his eyes over to the trainer, who's Gardevoir was still out of its Pokeba

Ash Ketchum/Satoshi/Ashley/Satoko belongs to Satoshi Taijiri, Nintendo, and the Pokémon Company.
Fan Art belongs to :iconsorawolf7: me.
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1105x1580px 759.59 KB
© 2020 - 2025 SoraWolf7
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Departure69's avatar

Ah looks Gourgous!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍🎯