Things are not going good these days.
Life is grey and endless it seems.
But yet, not too bad, and more then ever worth the living for.
we cannot complain.
No, it's ok now, it could have been worse.
today is good, yesterday was better.
off tomorrow I dare not to think.
I've often wondered why, deep in my arms red, and my eyes gaping high. Do i feel alone and shudder at the thought that no one is there. I looked at my phone and yet it remains empty of numbers, names or even an image of what i've always cherished.
I can be like everyone...but i`m never myself...i never have the power to make myself feel alive and usefull...not for others...just for me....i want to feel everything...i want to fly...i need my angel wings back...
I felt my back, and caressed my shoulders, the blood trickled down on me. it poured like a song of old, sweet, ornate and with an air of mystery. I gaped at the window and saw a coupl
As the angels set at my head
and weaped tears of blod on my grave,
with their wings broken and smudged.
The sky opened and cried,
the clouds broke into thousands of angels,
all falling, crying, hurting....
Sounds of violins rise from the lights,
odes and prays for the mortal souls.
As the noises tumbled down to earth
from heavenly skies
full of memories, full of hurts
full of pain, full of disgust...
I have met my end
and so have the rest of you
souls trapped in flesh...
In the end none will remain,
our pain, our surrow
our firs smile, our last cry
our first kiss...
our last good bye.
Current Residence: In darkest silence, alone Favourite style of art: Dark Skin of choice: Pale Personal Quote: No one could ever hate us as well as we do.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Sopor Aeternus and The Ensamble Of Shadows
Favourite Writers
Anna Varney Cantodea
Tools of the Trade
Depression and sounds.
Other Interests
Show art inspired by Sopor Aeternus and The Ensamble Of Shadows.
... To Join
:pointr: First of all, you have to add us to your watch list. When accepted, we will do the same for you.
:pointr: You will have to send us a note and let us know why would you like to become a member of the club.
:pointr: You'll have to put our icon in your own journal or signature. For that, just write : iconsoporaeternus: (without spaces between ":" and "iconsoporaeternus:"). This will help other people find us on dA.
... To submit
:pointr: Note us with a link to the work in your gallery that you want to submit.
:pointr: The images you'll send don't have to be Anna Varney's face or body or anything similar. You can send u
If you are interested where the pseudonym Anna Varney Cantodea came from, check out:
Varney the Vampire, or the Feast of Blood
:pointr: Official Site:
:pointr: Official Fansite:
:pointr: Some SA related sites under construction:
:pointr: Russian Page:
:pointr: Italian Page
:pointr: morgu3 ('s fanlisting
:pointr: Very interesting page ( thanks to TheNightHeDiedInside ( )
.Brief biography of Anna Varney
I know that I am not a member yet. But if I am accepted, would handmade gothic works be accepted here? Sopor is a big inspiration for me but I understand if it is not allowed.