:flame:SophieHoulden on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/sophiehoulden/art/flame-46531733SophieHoulden

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Daily Deviation

June 2, 2008
I was actually surprised to learn that :flame: by =GirlFlash hadn't already received a DD. Emoticon pixeling this phenomenally good has to be featured!
Featured by Chimpantalones
Suggested by Inqy
SophieHoulden's avatar



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I figure this emote can be used during a flame war or if someone burns you or something...

*pretends like there was a practical reason for creating an emote on fire* :giggle:

this has to be the most developed for 24 frames of anim I've ever done, its gone through so many different looks and styles before it got to this... its not how I pictured it im my mind, but its not far off and I like it anyway :D

I might actually post the anim development in a gif or something... :plotting:

anyhoo, ya *gets back to making uber special css for ~Anjiwa* ;)

--- edit ---
~RebelliousArchAngel made a plz account :iconflamingplz:

--- edit 2---
OMG THANX FOR THE DD =Inqy and `Chimpantalones :glomp:

also to anyone who wants to see the gif progress: [link]

--- edit3 ---
woo, its now part of the emoticon legend, to use it ANYWHERE on the site just type : onfire : without the spaces. big thanks to ^Synfull and whoever suggested it :heart:
Image size
46x34px 9.12 KB
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