SophieEkard on DeviantArt

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July 1, 2012
Phoenix - 3D Origami by ~SophieEkard This modular origami is especially impressive because the wings are posable.
Featured by Talty
Suggested by mirabe
SophieEkard's avatar

Phoenix - 3D Origami



I made this origami for a friend's birthday, she likes the little phoenix that I made before and she loves the colours of fire... so I decided to create a bigger phoenix for her.
The wings are actually posable so I wanted to take some photos before giving it away. :D

I thank :iconthelittlelight: for the image editing.

Modular origami is a paper craft where individual sheets of paper are folded into identical shapes and fitted together to create a larger shape. No glue is needed.

Edit: A Daily Deviation... Wow, just wow... I thank :iconmirabe: for suggesting, :icontalty: for featuring and you all. :D
Image size
1205x995px 2.11 MB
© 2012 - 2024 SophieEkard
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Hi! I found this beautiful origami phoenix and wanted to know if there is a tutorial for this? I havent found anything close to this! Would you mind sharing? Thanks! RC