Hello. My name is HELLO, and this is a chain letter.
If you don't send this to 100220944920348028928392839892 people in one second, you will die. You probably should.
Don't believe me? However...
YouBelieveThis ForReal had got this chain on he's OK! poster. He didn't pay attention. Once in a month he got 14 dollars for he's nice acting. Then, one month, he didn't got anything. Why? Because he's mum didn't have money, she had to buy cupcakes.
HahaYou'reStill HereIReallyCan'tBelieve had seen this chain mail. She sent it to 46 people in 3 minutes. Not good enough, I guess. Once in 12 hours in a night she woke up. Why? She randomly felt like drinking water. She gone to the kitchen and drink water. Then, she came back in bed.
OmgYou'reStillHere You'reStupidLol have got this chain mail on he's messages from FB. He pay attention. He actually shit in he's pants.. EVEN TODAY he's sending this to the pages. Why? 'Cause he's retarded and he believe in this shit. Now, he's on 1543 page and he is hungry. He died after 86 years old of he's normal age, which is 10.
So? Do you believe me?