HAA: nuclear fusionSoob on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/soob/art/HAA-nuclear-fusion-200571390Soob

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HAA: nuclear fusion



I did a presentation on nuclear fusion recently and ended with this joke. A few people laughed for the sake of politeness. Inspired by a comment on a forum. I don't know if that person was being ironic or was just ignorant. If you get the joke, ignore the next paragraph.

Nuclear fusion is what powers the stars and getting it to work as an energy source is kind of the holy grail of physics (though it's not considered as sexy as the LHC or string theory, sadly). The process uses deuterium, which is found in seawater (though it makes up a tiny percentage of seawater, so there's no danger of the oceans drying up) and produces helium as a waste product (which is quickly lost from the atmosphere, being such a light element - so no worries about squeaky voices...)

If you have any questions about nuclear fusion, um... just look it up. Kidding, I'd be more than happy to jabber on about nuclear fusion all day. (But you may still prefer to look it up from a reliable source like the CCFE site.)
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Phoneix-Faerie's avatar
hehe :D nice joke! it works well :D