It is my firm belief that you have from the start, scripted and choreographed the entire ORDEROFTHEBLACKDOG graphic novel issue by issue, page by page, panel; by panel;, word for word, tho with dash-sketches. Then you meticously drew the finished work. That took time. So I wasn't going to rush you.
What happened to Sebhnut was indeed astounding, and drastic. Nightmare fuel to fill a jet ! Julia is progressing into deeper madness and that feral grin in the last panel of the last page of the latest issue- I am once again at a loss to divine what next
!(Fore I forget, I am reminded of the horrific but reticently depicted events in Arthur Machen's NOVEL OF THE WHITE POWDER. )
You blocked me in Inkbunny and on your website, when I was trying to speak & act intelligently. That's why I comment HERE.