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Simple way of making armor



A few people asked how to do armor either cheaply, or without much experience.
Questions asked:
Q1:How do you make both side of the armor perfectly mirrored?
A1:I drew one pattern, and then flipped in. Don't be a hero when it comes to mirroring your work.
Q2:How do you keep your work from slipping around?
A2:I use pins. Don't worry about the tin holes, the modge podge will get rid of them :3
Q3: Does it matter what color the foam is?
A3:Yes and no.
Yes - If you don't plan on painting your armor (I recommend that you do though), or if you think your armor might rub, and the paint can wear off in some small places. Pick your foam color accordingly.
No - It's going to be painted over, I don't think I even need to say this.
Q4: How many coats of modge podge should I use?
A4: I would recommend 4-6 coats. It makes the armor less squishy looking.
Q5: How do you make the armor bend?
A5:When hot gluing the parts together, hold them to the area of your body they plan to go on. Be careful!

I hope I answered everyone's questions to best help you :3!
Good luck!!
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873x4529px 8.7 MB
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SuperMaoBoss's avatar
And after how do you paint a flexible surface like this?