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Missing Christmas



Christmas on the graveyard.

:icondonotuseplz::iconmyartplz: You may not post, modify or reproduce my art without my permission.

Credit and thanks goes to :
Skeleton : E-S Bones by Elevit-Stock : [link] :iconelevit-stock:
Graves : Southampton Old Cemetery 61 [link] and Brockenhurst Stock 20 [link] by ladyxboleyn :iconladyxboleyn:
Premade background 13 by FrostBo : [link] :iconfrostbo:
Wood coffin by stock-by-dana : [link] :iconstock-by-dana:
tree, bones, cobwebs and candelabra my own stock [link] [link] [link] [link] :iconpranilestock:
Image size
840x1000px 687.16 KB
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