Revival of M (Colored)SonicWindAttack on DeviantArt

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Revival of M (Colored)



This crazy idea started over a year ago, when I was able to meet Ian Flynn himself at HeroesCon.  He told me that the recent Shadow Fall arc in the Archie Sonic comics was originally going to have Black Doom and Mephiles the Dark as the antagonists, but Sega scrapped the idea.  However, I was so in love with the idea I couldn't get it out of my head.  I thought to myself, "What if we used this story for Lost Hedgehog Tales?".  I wanted to find a way to make it look convincing, and then it hit me, what better way to bring this idea to life than to combine the talents of a skilled Archie fan and someone who officially works there?  Inspired by the movie poster to the film "Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection 'F'", a film I thoroughly enjoyed (though I preferred the Japanese title "Revival of 'F'"), I had the legendary :iconglitcher: draw and ink this out, and :iconherms85: himself did the colors.  Seriously, you both did an awesome job, I can't thank you enough.  I hope everyone enjoys this product of my craziness, and I really hope this idea makes it into Lost Hedgehog Tales.

Sketched/Inked by :iconglitcher:

Colored by :iconherms85:

Concept by :iconianpotto:

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Commissioned by me
Image size
2500x3750px 5.29 MB
© 2015 - 2025 SonicWindAttack
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symbiote12345's avatar

Not bad. But I think Shadow is more than enough to take out Mephiles on his own.