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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 - Badniks



I've ripped every single badnik properly, so I decided to put them all on a separate sheet.

Not only does this sheet include all the badniks seen in the game as well as the prototypes, this also includes the sprites for the points you earn, the animals that pop out of the badniks, the explosion when you pop a badnik, and the capsule at the end of a zone after defeating Eggman.

If you don't know the zone abbreviations, here's what each one stands for:
EHZ = Emerald Hill Zone
CPZ = Chemical Plant Zone
ARZ = Aquatic Ruin Zone
CNZ = Casino Night Zone
HTZ = Hill Top Zone
MCZ = Mystic Cave Zone
HPZ = Hidden Palace Zone
OOZ = Oil Ocean Zone
MTZ = Metropolis Zone
SCZ = Sky Chase Zone
WFZ = Wing Fortress Zone

Nothing else to say.
Image size
1068x1221px 182.65 KB
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