Computer hardware poster 1.7Sonic840 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

Daily Deviation

August 8, 2009
Let's call this an informational and educational Daily Deviation. Obviously, all of us are using some sort(s) of computer device(s) for all kinds of tasks. Knowing exactly what's inside your machine can be invaluable, be it when you're planning for hardware upgrades or having a hardware related emergency situation, or simply for the sake of knowing what you are using. Well, let me introduce to you your new best friend: Computer hardware poster 1.7 by *Sonic840. Drives, ports, cards, slots, connectors and sockets. - This image shows and names them all! The best part? You can actually buy this as a print, for maximum full-size offline use!
Featured by MidnightExigent
Sonic840's avatar

Computer hardware poster 1.7



Version 1.7 hot off the press. I have added even more ports, slots and cards. As well as improved pictures of some existing hardware and fixed some errors.

Prints are available.

original size 24x34 @ 180DPI ~17.2MB at time of upload.

I am still seeking hi-resolution image for:
socket 4
LGA 1366
64bit RDIMM


Version 1.7c has been posted in 1.7's place, as requested the fullsize image is a .png, spelling errors have been corrected, minor errors have been fixed.

2016 version here: Computer Hardware Chart 2.0 by Sonic840
Image size
4320x6120px 24.14 MB
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