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Looking for Celerity
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Rap Once For Yes by Songwind, literature

The Apprentice - Chapter 1 by Songwind, literature

Useless - a sci fi flash fiction by Songwind, literature

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Rap Once For Yes by Songwind, literature

The Apprentice - Chapter 1 by Songwind, literature

Useless - a sci fi flash fiction by Songwind, literature


Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (78)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio
I first got interested in visual arts back in junior high school. Unfortunately, my art teacher was not too impressive, and I didn't get hooked as well as I could have. Soon I was more focused on music and computers.

So now here I am, 20 years later, trying to catch up. :)

I do my writing in Celtx at this time. I'm working on a novel, currently titled The Apprentice. It's an urban fantasy.

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My digital art is created primarily in GIMP and MyPaint. Both are open source projects that are available for Windows and Linux.

In the world of physical media, I'm a big fan of oil paint (M. Graham is my line of choice for now) and colored pencil.

ubuntu user by sergbel :thumb179483448: :Gimp Is My Photoshop STAMP: by VenomousViper3o Traditional Art Stamp by darkartificer

Current Residence: Twin Cities, MN
Favourite genre of music: Rock
Operating System: Ubuntu Linux & Win7

If you favorite my work, thanks a lot and I'll be by to see yours as well. What I'd really love is a comment describing what you like about it!

Favourite Visual Artist
Monet (painter) Alex Ross (comics)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dream Theater
Favourite Writers
Roger Zelazny (novelist), Rudyard Kipling (poet), Neil Gaiman (Comics)
Favourite Games
Hard to say.
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencils, pens, paper, oil paint, canvas, GIMP, MyPaint, Intuos 4
Other Interests
Art, Literature, Comics, Martial Arts, Computers
This is a pretty cool tool for checking perspective, foreshortening, proportions, or anything else affecting the shape and composition of your paintings. They're almost to their goal and have less than 12 hours left. I wish I'd learned about it sooner. Check it out, and think about giving them a few bucks. The Miira View Frame.
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So, I'm posting my first draft of my novel at WritersCafe. It's slow going - I have about 3 times as much written as posted. However, if you'd like to check it out and give me some feedback (here or at WC) I'd appreciate it. You can find the posted chapters here. As this is the first draft, I'm not particularly concerned with punctuation or spelling errors. I'm far more interested in your thoughts on pacing, story progression, characters, etc. I have already noticed that my first few chapters had an excessive amount of passive voice. That will definitely be getting fixed.
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My family and I went to this exhibition of Rembrandt works owned in America at the Minneapolis Museum of Arts. They have some really great ones, including a pair of full size portraits. There were also a lot of imitations in the museum for comparison. Works created by Rembrandt's students and admirers were often attributed to Rembrandt by over-eager curators in the 19th century. They also had an audio tour, which included free access to the files via wifi on a mobile device. I thought that was a nice touch, and very helpful.
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Long time no see Songwind! Hope you are around somewhere out there in the aether.
Happy Birthday great sir! :ahoy: cheers!
happy birthday! c;
Happy Birthday Sir Songwind!
Thank you very much!