Wake Up - Snuggle EditionSomepony on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/somepony/art/Wake-Up-Snuggle-Edition-281065347Somepony

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Wake Up - Snuggle Edition



Have some tiny Twi to d'aww up your day. I had a lot of trouble deciding which version of this to do, so I figured, why not both? :iconpinkiepieshrugplz:

The original sketch provided by the wonderfully talented *KS4U, colours and whatnot by myself.

Also, the reason that Celestia is pink maned is because I'm lazy it's sort of my head canon that both the princesses dont need to use their magic while sleeping, letting the magic flowing through their manes stop coarsing.


The "My Little Pony", "Friendship is Magic" franchises belong to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.

Original sketch by :iconks4u:
Image size
4302x2550px 1.7 MB
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