someoneelse6's avatar


5 Watchers38 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (61)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!

Profile Comments 13

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Thank you for the fave on Angry Cheetah II :hug: ^-^
Thanks for the watch =)
Gracias for faving ^_^
Thanks for the chimera fav!
ARRRRGGGHHH. Why did I chose Linux, why?

Now I can't play all your epic games with that bad ass physics engine you and your friends made. FML
Have you tried using wine?
I too am a Linux user. I generally release Windows builds because people are generally more likely to be able to play them. All the development is done in Linux though.
Thanks for the fave. :)
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