Somekind0fstrange's avatar


Naga Love!
272 Watchers11 Deviations
  • Nov 10
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
My Bio

Current Residence: Felarya
Favourite genre of music: Alternative / Industrial / Electronic
Favourite style of art: GTS: Vore
Operating System: OSX

Favourite Visual Artist
Other Interests
Giantess, Vore, Naga's
:thumb264776150: :thumb258673874: :thumb257842541:Ok, I have been 'into' the Giantess 'fetish' for as long as I can accurately remember, but occasionally I can't help but look at the 'Mega' aspect of this rather diverse and fun little fetish of mine, and /issues/ it raises. Oh don't get me wrong, I for one would love to wake up to tv reports of panic stricken streets informing of a 50+ tall women roaming around leaving death and devastation in her wake.However, and forgive me for being rather pedantic, but what I find difficult about this size is what would she actually do, and where would she (/they) go Hah?I mean, really what the hell wo...
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Happy Birthday :meow: :iconcakeplz:
Happy Birthday! :D
My best wishes for ya!
birthday cake Happy Birthday (3) Sini's Birthday Slave 

Thanks for fav and watch:happybounce: Excite :deviants: 
Thanks for favSpace Taxi dance Excite :SuddenRealization: 
Most welcome! 
- You have the most loveliest feet! <3 :)