Maybe I Maybe Yousolar-sea on DeviantArt

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Maybe I Maybe You


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So many grievances arriving at once :sniff: While I drew this Jonerys piece as a form of post-HBO remedy (nope, I ain't been watching dat show thank you very much but the miscasting is UNBEARABLE :doh:), having realized D&D probably took the idea of [spoooilers] considering Jon & Dany's relationship from what GRRM delivered to them - and then I also went reading the new Eclipse change log :cries:

This is as dramatically frustrating as ever :stare: DA users crying for the return of pagination and normal size of thumbs - with their cries unheard by the brick wall of the dAdmins. Again I can only say "I don't understand" because I don't :no:

Also been listening to Blackmore's Night "Far Far Away":cd: and the song has some real Daeny-related lyrics to her eyes full of promise and heart filled with joy [to come] - (can these two women be one and the same?)

And I've never shipped jonerys other than out of a jest, mind this.
Heck I registered Starkgaryen on a whim for the sheer lulz of it :lol:
And now - after having witnessed the dismal tragedy of a scenario failure that is HBO GoT - I experienced a huge paradox of rooting for Dany - who hasn't ever been among my fav book charas! :faint: - because she certainly never deserved such a fate. And such a bad acting of a romance :cries:

And I therein mused how gorgeous and heart-breaking a bookverse jonerys could be :flame: Imagine two broken souls finding strength within each other thus mending and healing each other :omg: :iconiloveit-plz: This would be glorious. And then Jon would have to [spoiler]. Probably. Child of the prophecy, Azor Ahai, whatever's the reason - does the reason truly matter? And this would be deliciously tragic :( In the best GRRM way.

So here's to the wonderful bookverse characters:ahoy: and amen to the canonical Stark features in one certain Targaryen heir who's yet to become aware of his fate :la:

A Song Of Ice And Fire © G.R.R.Martin | The title is obviously from Scorpions :heart:
Textures are a mix of Sirius-sdz & mercurycode's stock images (yet since I crafted this particular background in the late 2016 I didn't mark the actual names in the file titles as I now do :ashamed:)

Aomomo Merman Tale by solar-sea The Fighter Still Remains by solar-sea Charcoal Reylo - Feel for you by solar-sea Otayuri Hysteria by solar-sea Farewell to the legend by solar-sea
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© 2019 - 2025 solar-sea
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