Our TraditionSohmaSatori on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/sohmasatori/art/Our-Tradition-578387288SohmaSatori

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SohmaSatori's avatar

Our Tradition



This was inspired by MLP Season 5 Episode 20 - "Heartbreakers"

When I saw how adorable Twilight and Spike were as dolls  

Llama Emoji-23 (Shyness) [V1]  I just HAD to make this!~ Little Pixel Heart 
First couple of attempts at making spike were....fun? Requested Duo Icon Toriel (And Alphys)  Hehe!
But really, it was actually enjoyable making the mistakes I did. x3 

This picture was also inspired by wanting to pair Twilight and Spike in a good light. 
I love these two characters when portrayed well in an episode. 
They're like...

EqG Spike (Sad) Plz  Friends for life!  Midnight Sparkle:Spike... (icon free to use) 

With that in mind~
I hope you all keep warm this Season! 
And have a Happy Hearts Warming this year!~ .:puppy happy love:. 

MLP:FIM © Lauren Faust, Hasbro, & Studio B
Image size
5400x3600px 3.23 MB
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Artworkpony217's avatar

look so cute!!!🙂😀