Ubuntu Unity Desktop Conceptsoggybizkitlulz on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/soggybizkitlulz/art/Ubuntu-Unity-Desktop-Concept-213582724soggybizkitlulz

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soggybizkitlulz's avatar

Ubuntu Unity Desktop Concept



There has been talk about how to deal with the trash button in unity.
This is my solution: I propose and android-like system where the trash icon only appears when you are dragging something.
This saves space in the dock and would be alot more responsive than an icon in the dock could be.

ALSO you might notice that my panel and menu uses the grey from the ubuntu colour palette which strangely Ambiance doesn't seem to do...
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AnaerShadowYnomaly's avatar
I like this very much :)
I also like your sound menu, and the icons in the dock - it's good that they're smaller, it stops it from feeling so cramped :)