Rise of the Phoenix WithinSocratesJedi on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/socratesjedi/art/Rise-of-the-Phoenix-Within-142996823SocratesJedi

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Rise of the Phoenix Within



Without having experienced all of our past history, we would not be who we are today. I wanted to create a symbol that looked forward to the future with hope while acknowledging the existence of error in every human endeavor. Even in cases when we have fallen, there is always the capacity to learn and to grow - to change (represented by the background delta) - and rise again to improve ourselves: The Rise of the Phoenix Within.

Stylistically, it resembles Medical Emblem of an Engineer specifically with it's emphasis on straight lines and sharp angles, the entire wing design and the use of triangles.
Image size
2100x2100px 5.77 MB
© 2009 - 2025 SocratesJedi
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